Can some one direct me to a website where i can buy colored HVAC knobs for an '04 Cavy? I've looked on Ebay but i just want to buy them outright, not have to bid on them.
well you can buy them from a jbodyracing on ebay.......or you can take your factoy knobs take the rubber plastic what ever off of them go to hobby lobby and pick up some stainglass window paint or anykind of transparent paint and paint it to the back. the do it yourself is cheaper. jbodiesracings are nice though i have a set cause stupid me buy it now optioned the wrong fault so i went ahead and payed for them came out real nice...... better then my do it myself but your choice.
buy LEDs for behind the knobs you will be happier. i have green ones in my black car and blue ones in my blue car and i love them....

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do not get them from jbodyraceing they look like crape
sorry. do not get them from jbodyraceing they look like crap. just do it your self go get krylon stained glass coloer from a craft store.thats all jbodyraceing does.
You could take the rubber off of your stock knobs and paint that with the transparent paint, but it'll always have a yellowish tint to them because the light coming from behind is yellowish.
You could take off your HVAC and replace the bulbs in the back, but if you do, the light coming through to the knobs and indicators will be dim. It'll look cool but there are ways to improve it.
Look in this forum and do a search for changing your HVAC Colors. There is a topic that was here recently that has something like 50+ replies to is by a guy called Buzz. That topic will have all the decriptions for changing the bulbs, how to make it so the bulbs will shine through bright, etc. You'll be a lot happier changing the bulbs and using the techniques in that topic, then just painting the knobs, trust me on that.
I painted mine with a translucent stain glass paint. No yellowish tint. It depends on how many coats you do. I started withg three. Let it dry over night. Sprayed it 3 more times. Let it dried, then painted them one more time, and then added a uv/moisture resistant clear coat. They look perfect to me.
Adam Peterson wrote:Would painting them with a coat of krylon's fusion (red) not work?
Well if you want them red and not transparent then go for it. I don't believe Krylon Fusion makes a translucent paint. If you are going the paintings path, just use Translucent Stained glass paint. Its what I did and I'm very happy with the results.
Hey homonculus, I have been trying to change mine to red but cannot locate in red here in Canada, Am I looking 4 #74 bulbs?
i used a sharpie for my 95, took the rubber off colored em on the back n front with a blue sharpie and went over it with clear nail polish, much cheaper then buying stain glass paint and that stuff
pics of said sharpie knobs....
I used spraypaint on mine. I just used one light layer and it was still translucent.
z24sammy wrote:Hey homonculus, I have been trying to change mine to red but cannot locate in red here in Canada, Am I looking 4 #74 bulbs?
ya just type in "74 led" with out the quotes in an ebay search.
this is where i got mine at, and i love them!

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