Now that at least SOMETHING is going right for a change, I think I finally have the motivation to template out those Sunfire Ryan you shall see the results of your sacrifice shortly.
yes speaker rings!! i have a lil overspray i need to hide
OK, this is my last day of my 4th of July vacation but tomorrow I'll see about starting a new brushed GP. I just need to go back over a few things and make sure that everyone who ordered and paid for this stuff the first time around either got refunded or will get first shot at parts now that they are done. I'm pretty sure it's all straight, though.
This time, I have all of the parts in stock and will keep running tabs on what's left so no one ends up paying for something I don't have yet.
I'm interested in the speaker rings, keep us updated!
Speaker rings also please....
ECOTEC now with Maximum Bolt-Ons!!
OK, you guys have talked me into it
I don't have any of these in stock because I just made one set for my own car, and I'm hesitant to do any more Preorder GPs due to the fiasco of trying to get my carbon fiber parts...
I guess what I'll do is run a second GP just for the speaker rings and get them made once we have around a dozen or so people. I'm not going to take any deposits this time but I hope that everyone who orders them will pay up when they are made.
2 new GPs coming either tomorrow or over the weekend.
speaker rings look awesome man..the whole interior looks sick.
My Other Ride
RIP Saint...Semper Fi.
I didnt get a chance to write any GPS today (gotta take some better pics, etc) but I WILL have 2 up by the end of the weekend or Monday latest.
Thanks for the comments!
I'm definitely in on the GP for speaker rings... so long as they're not over $20
My Car Domain Page
Any Sunfire love this go round?
MSD wrote:I'm definitely in on the GP for speaker rings... so long as they're not over $20
x2, those would look good with my gray and black interior... mostly stockish looking with accents, that'd be nice looking on the doors!
When might the GP start?
ECOTEC now with Maximum Bolt-Ons!!
I know I know...
I'll try to submit it to Dave tomorrow. I just need to get a few more pics and its ready.
ECOTEC now with Maximum Bolt-Ons!!
I'm getting ready to submit a GP for the door speaker trim to Dave in a few minutes.
GP for the rest of my stuff will be up as soon as I take care of a few more slight arrangements. I'd say by the weekend ...
You should make some kind of ring for those of us with manual transmitions. make it fit on the outside of the boot. I would buy.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
This thread came up when I searched for a fiberglass cavy dash cover and then searched there for the author 92CAVQUEST. I am looking for a cover for the header on the dash next to the window. If 92 CAVQUEST is the author of any of these posts, please pm me if you have any of these covers left and lemme know how much. Thanks. PS sorry this post is off topic