Here's some pictures of my custom switch panel. I took the stock change holder for 00-02 cavs and decided to make it more useful. The switches it will house are for my vent strobes and underglows. I'll get some pictures up when I get it in primer. I've still got filler work to do.
That's the fruit of my labor thus far. I'll update again later this week.
Woooo bubbies.
Short and sweet, thanks haha.
Woooo bubbies.
Nice start. Looks good, almost stock. Prolly will have a better worded opinion when it's painted.
Its lookin good
never let anything slip away
nice...looks good
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Yeah, I've got a lot of work left on it. I'm respraying all my interior with a gun next week. I have to wait until I finish my CD player project before I can respray, so by then I'll have this piece in primer. I'll get some finished pictures of up soon.
Woooo bubbies.
sndsgood wrote:yeah looks good so far, but the finishing parts will be the make it or break it part, just have patienece and dont paint it till its smooth as glass all over.
X2. That is the hardest part with these projects, but it is without a doubt worth it and you will thank yourself. Looks good though, I like it.
Wide Body Progress