I know how stupid this sounds, because it seems like you should be able to just put the floor mats in, but it doesnt work that way apparently. The ones I got from A+ talk about using a towel and a 2x4 to make it fit and I keep reading it and its not making sense.
So my question is, what did you do to make these fit the contours of the floor? right now they sit right, but need pushed down but I dont want to just push it to fit because it will prolly bend in the wrong spot and ill be out the money for them. lol
So any help please ? It would be greatly appriciated !
Ive seen people use bricks, or a heavy object and let it sit there over nights.
Thanks jason, thats kinda what I was thinking, ill have to work on that tonight..
Rears are in...
not fitted, but the LEDS show well on it