so i made a uturn...and now my interior light and autolocks dont dash still works....and my CD player turned off aswell.....any idea wat mighta come loose?
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
It's gods way of telling you not to be lazy
check you're fuses, no loose power or grounds etc.
ill check that thnx
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
ok fuses are question....where are the grounds at inside the car.....i know theres one in the trunk.....but where inside the car are there?....i kno the battery one is good cause my dash still works and the car will start
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
you probably turned too quick and lost alot of fluid out of the fluxcompastor
yea it says its runnin 12 gigawatts is that normal...i forgot to check that fuse THANK U
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
and u spelled it wrong dumbass lol.....its flux capacitor
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
ok and update.....the car door bell doesnt work interior light,cd,remote locks, door alarm all are down....any ideas
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
check the rotary gurder..
i bet thats the problem.

Portage, MI
my door chime/buzzer is under my dash on the drivers side tucked behind the fusebox. check if yours is there and check ur chime/buzzer device
some fuses blow but u cant see it so try changing the fuse for your interior stuff and see if that works
Kardain wrote:Blinker fluid's low
LMAO.....that is great
So wat is this a bad question or sumthing......i understand the jokes but y so many.....has this been asked b4 or i missing sumthing here?
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
I honestly don't know what the answer is... but it does sound like its a ground wire that came loose.
but does anyone know where the grounds are inside the car?...i checked the trunk and thats a no......
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
lol im so used to typing that way lol
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN