gauges - Interior Forum

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Monday, November 20, 2006 6:10 PM
how do you go about installing a white face gauge kit on my car? i tried puling the needles off before and they never sat back in right so they never worked right again. is there any special trick to making them work right?

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2003 Cavalier LS Sport "SHOCKWAVE"

Re: gauges
Monday, November 20, 2006 7:01 PM
If you already pulled them off I don't think they will ever work right again. You're going to need a new cluster. I'm sure someone will correct me if im wrong.

Sold 6/30/06.
Re: gauges
Monday, November 20, 2006 9:29 PM
i messed mine up and fixed it but it was a pain in the caboose!

Re: gauges
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:56 AM
you have an 03 and you removed the needles. you need a new cluster. you can only remove the needles on the 95-99 js not the 00+. also you do not need to remove the needles to install these gauges.

Re: gauges
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:19 AM

I am currently doing a HOW TO on doing the 03+ gauge cluster lights. You can pull the needles off and put them back on as long as you put them back on in the right way. You can allign the needles without a scan tool and you can only destroy the "cluster" if you pulled the needles off on an angle and not straight up.
As for the white face gauge, you dont have to remove the needles. They should slide right over the needles.

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