Very nice man....Have u considered getting an A/F gauge.....thier pretty :p
i use to have one in my 97 cavy and it annoyed the piss out of me so i wont get one unless its wideband...
beautiful pictures from a phone...
i want a razr!!!! looks good tony
thanks man and yea the pics really impressed me after i got them from the phone.... supprised me since its VGA quality.
I was going to do that. Looks awesome. Can I get a good deal?????
it was her only one man.... unless you can find one somewhere else..
been there, done that..... lol
Insert Funny Saying Here
LOL thats cool man... its cool also that you dont have the white face guages either....
thats a @!#$ty picture... the flash really ruins the colors
Insert Funny Saying Here
awesome idea, i did mine similar last year but i replaced the dash bezel with a new stock one an never got around to installing the gauge again.. looks sweet man
Polo- i have a volt gauge for sale in the classifieds..
gettin blown @ 6psi daily..
dougall wrote:thats a @!#$ty picture... the flash really ruins the colors
at least you didnt take a pic of it with a camera phone like i did... lol... i was just testing the cam anyway.. hehe...
Here's a pic of mine (it's a voltmeter, too...I can't find a closer pic of it right now...):
Looking nice everyone!!!
Hey man thats awesome. I did the same in my car. I never use the cig lighter anyway. who needs it.
Hmm.... I just did mine and it doesn't have the counter sink look your guy's has due to the curve in the dash. Any solutions?
~Boost. Its what's for dinner!~
What wires did you hook the meter too? Did you use the existing lighter wires or did you wire to something that would shut off with the ignition off? I plan on doing the same thing as soon as a get a second dash. I don't want my dash torn apart for days while I look for time to accomplish the task
Looks good and I guess I'll have to steal the idea!
- Darren -||- -||-
Slo Cav...Is that fiberglassed in like crystal's?
My friend Gary put his boost gauge there.
Its a good spot for a gauge.
How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
the gauges that jonathon pike posted are confusing me. by lookin at the dash, it appears to be an 00+ cavi, but isnt the tack on the right side and the fuel guage on the left? or is that a sunfire cluster?
Yeah its a Sunfire cluster, with a custom white face for it. I did the same thing when I had the Z24, I liked having the sunfire cluster in my red vert.
Its plug and play.
How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
that would be a sunfire cluster.. '00+
gettin blown @ 6psi daily..
nice Looks great there very clean and well done
how hard's the install? i may consider putting my volts there too (don't worry, mine's cf) since i don't use that power outlet.
voltameters are a nice guage to have. i love mine in my ta