just lookin for opinions, other than post better quality pics
see if this one works....
bigger shot of the first one, sorry
Pics don't do it justice at all!
In person, I, along with everyone else whom has came down there loves it.
I got your message BTW today, I'll give you a ring back later.
There are parts that I don't like coughbomexcoughaltezzascoughgraphixcough
Looks good otherwise
BTW, I think I'll be comin' over soon to remove those 00-02 'Yotas from the red Cav
F/S: 2005 KAWASAKI ZX-6R 636, 1105 MILES, $7500 OBO ^^^
Roughed In wrote:BTW, I think I'll be comin' over soon to remove those 00-02 'Yotas from the red Cav
I almost forgot!
Matt, I'll take those taillights if he still has them.
man, I actually just bought the tails from him to throw on mine, nobody else wanted to pay the $200
Well, it is better than some of the graphics I've seen, I'll give ya that much
Where in IN are yall at? There's a pretty big meet in Peoria, IL on April 1st. Gonna be some hot-shots there too, lol. John Piparo is the biggest/most-known that I can think of.
F/S: 2005 KAWASAKI ZX-6R 636, 1105 MILES, $7500 OBO ^^^
I'm in Laporte, NW indiana, about as far north as you can go before hitting the big pond
im in that bored sit at home and leave comments mood tonight lol... SO.....
graphics arent my thing, but i dont hate em on other peoples cars, i love the spoilerless look, love the way it looks layed out, from personal experience i HATE lambos, good luck with those down the road, love the hood, wheels, simple interior, wheels, hate the exhaust, get some nice pics of the side with the doors shut, i love the smooth low look and wanna see it all layed out and closed up
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
I was waiting on the exhaust comment, since I don't have your typical grapefruit shooter, but thanks for the comments none the less. Haven't had any complaints with my lambos as of yet, but only had them about 9 months, so we'll see. Oh, and when it comes time for pictures, the doors have a mind of thier own, always wanting to look cool in the upright position
Ah, plenty close than!
I'm 5 minutes NW of Chicago myself, between Chi and O'Hare. Takin' 94 to the border is about an hour or so.
F/S: 2005 KAWASAKI ZX-6R 636, 1105 MILES, $7500 OBO ^^^
Graphics do look good in person, hate to say it, but I like 'em!
Matt, I called you earlier, hit me up sometime!
yeah, I am just about an hour from chicago, I may have to head up that way for that show if I can get the car put back together by then. If you are interested on hitting any Indiana shows, I usually hit about 15 per summer just locally, and there are some good ones, so if you ever wanna shoot to one, I wouldn't mind rockin it out with another J
sorry man, celly has a dead battery, I will definately hit you up, probably tomorrow. You guys still interested in comin down from michigan to hit up a few shows? First one that I am gonna hit here is may 28th, let me know man
heres what it looked like before graphics, looked sweet, but just a little too plain for me
I'm pretty close to you (Baroda Michigan if you've ever heard of it) I like the car, my only real deal with it would be the bomex rear with the spoilerless trunk. But it's still a hot car none the less.
96projectz24 wrote:I was waiting on the exhaust comment, since I don't have your typical grapefruit shooter, but thanks for the comments none the less. Haven't had any complaints with my lambos as of yet, but only had them about 9 months, so we'll see. Oh, and when it comes time for pictures, the doors have a mind of thier own, always wanting to look cool in the upright position
Didn't see this when I posted before
I noticed the exhaust stickin' way out, but didn't feel like commenting on it since that's a lil harder to change, haha. I'm a *sleek smooth* kinda guy, hah. Planning a full shave & mold, etc.
Yea, I'm wanting to hit further away meets. I went up to Milwaukee in Jan, Peoria next month (3 hours from me), I'll probably hit IN this summer too. I really only go to JBO meets tho
F/S: 2005 KAWASAKI ZX-6R 636, 1105 MILES, $7500 OBO ^^^
nice, when my girlfriend saw that all she could say over and over was TAP!
im not saying go get a big fart can, cuz i personaly dont like that either, i just cant stand the turned up tips on those mufflers, it sticks out too far imo, and i personaly look at a bomex rear and when i think exhaust that fits it right, i think of the tips on that blue RK car
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
i dont mind the gfx just the altezzas suck
that's why they are gone man, got sick of them myselg
Oh man, this is AMAZING:
That's just incredible, why did you change it!?!?!?!?!?!
On the other hand, before I saw that pic I was going to say that it does look good the way you have it, however I like the old pic soooooo much better. That was one amazing J-body right there.