looking good guys.
i was playing tennis next to you guys the other week, but i didnt know who was who so i didnt say anything.
Alias should leave his car flat black.
bring back some pics of the girl in the sig!
alias' car looks hot and yours looks really clean
i likey
Damn, you guys already have leaves on your trees! I'm jealous.
Nice lookin pics!
wow alias your car looks awesome in those pics...loving that primer!
Isn't it funny how primer is becoming so popular now? I did it and everyone ragged on me....but that was two years ago. lol
Thanks everyone!
Justin - were you the guys that we kept interrupting by hitting the ball into your court? haha....sorry!
yes, Andy's car should stay in primer.
Crystal(CrazyCavGirl) OR Jacob wrote:Isn't it funny how primer is becoming so popular now? I did it and everyone ragged on me....but that was two years ago. lol
primer is great. i love the look of a primered car, it shows progress. your car was the deciding factor for me to use black primer this time.
Thanks alias, that was nice of you to say.
BTW, you need a new sig!!
Ryan (1REDRY) wrote:what school is that?
Shippensburg University in central PA. That's the admission building.
Yay for semi flat black!!!!!
Both cars look HaWT! And im really lovin the flat black. THe best part about it is if you get a scratch or anyhting like that, you whip out the can and spray it down, bam repainted! HAHAHA
very nice
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
^^ I'm not whipping out any CAN....maybe the spray gun & compressor, but no can....lol
Primer is fun.. Alias i love the look of urs.. Primer is the new pink,black, and well.. any painted color
Me likey the Flat Black one