Well its been a while since I posted any pics of my car. I changed a few things, got some new things, and right now im waiting for things to get done and arrive.
Lets start with the new intake:
I finaly got my interior back to stock, other then some guages, switches and buttons of course. i dont miss the red at all.
I got my trunk setup more or less done, im thinking about putting in a 6" LCD I have laying around, not sure about that though. I added another amp and got that cap hooked up.
As for the exterior.. Im still waiting for my kit to get back from being painted, im selling my avenger front and I have a bigmouth waiting for me. I cant wait to get the body kit back on I really miss it. I removed my stickers except for the rear Sinister Js one also.
Thanks for looking
Cars looking good. 100x better with out the pin stripe. Keep up the good work and keep it clean.
are you getting your kit painted? or a new kit? im missin it
paint your calipers and drums black
its not expensive and you will notice a difference
Im getting the kit painted, and im getting a bigmouth front to replace the avenger i have now.
Im not big on the whole painted drums thing. I thought about getting my calipers done with like a smooth chrome look.
i like it....post some more pics when you get the kit on
who's yellow cav?
dude seriously, paint the drums black
they become less noticeable
i did mine this weekend, looks 10000 times better
Yellow cavy is my moms, 2005 LS she got brand new off the flooor last year, 5k miles on it.
Yeah, paint the drums n calipers black! Oh and my mom has the same car as your moms. haha.
Would look 10x better with window tint. Of course i'm biased towards window tint. I've had 5% on both of my cars. I love not being seen.
I want tint but no place near me does it
Put a small crack in my dash today from having my subs up to loud. Its the smaller one to the right..