With the completion of the May/June issue we are now looking for some new submissions for our next issue! All submissions are due in by June 1st. For more information on what kind of things we accept and how to submit please check out our
able to be in this mag with more then 1 car? I just picked up a 2002 trans am collector edition
#1206 of 2000
Yes you can submit the Trans Am! Do you have anything done to it?
Hopefully I'll have my car done by then so I can submit some pics
my brothers car will be done by them, gotta get tires mounted and cleaned up.
imma take some pix tonight and throughout the week and i'll submit mine in for ya!
Any other submissions? The more the better!
When do I get the issue with my car in it?
do you think i would have a chance? rims, kit, lowered.......what else should be done?
When is the deadline bcause its gonna rain here for about 3-5 more days and Im going to take some high resolution pics when i get her all washed and shined up.
I've gotta be in this one
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Scotty B wrote:When do I get the issue with my car in it?
So that was the other Cavalier in this issue...Car looks hot man! I like.
ill submit my pics as soon as i get my steering wheel on, dont wanna send any pics of a half finished interior
Scotty B - I sent you an email with the info in it to download the issue about 2 weeks ago. I'll send it again today.
Blue Splash - The deadline isn't till June 1st.
jWagg - Yes you have a chance if you don't have a huge list of mods then just go for a Readers Ride.
Once the flooding stops, I'll clean my car and take some more pics.
whoaaaaaa...wrong thread..lmfao
can i get a delete?
Yeah i saw that and was like OMGWTFWTBBQ!
ill get some pics of my brothers car and get a write up going..... too bad its not in print form anymore
The 1st is quickly approaching and we are still looking for all types of submissions.
Again if you are interested please visit our
SUBMIT page.
We look forward to your submissions!
I'll try to write up a Event Submission and send it your way before the end of the weekend. Just had the 1st Annual Midwest J-Body Gathering this past weekend.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
makes me wish i could do these things
BoltZ22 - Sounds great!
Samantha - We really do want to get some G6's in this e-zine but no one really has anything done to their G6 so we haven't had many. Once you get some things done submit it as a Readers Ride, if you get a lot done then go for a featured ride!