Very nice man. I've always loved how CLEAN you keep that car. everything just flows so nicely with and goes together so well.
Great job on everything.
sndsgood, and looksevenbetter
I LOVE it.... lets have sex
Hey an Indiana plate, and a super sick car. Where abouts in Indiana are you from?
i hope you disabled your passenger side airbag, that would leave one nasty scar
Who the heck wants to see this sunfizzle again?
HAHA J/K man.. I love it!!
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Bro... I've watched this car for years... I remember that sig when it was parked with its back to the wall and had a stock kit!
Looks great man. Keep it up!
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...