Well I'm keeping pretty busy with all these projects going on. It will be a long winter, but next year will be a great summer, so it will be worth all this time I'm putting into the car.
here are some pics of the trunk. This was mocked up using carboard...since these pics I have now done the floor in mdf wood.
The back will hold 1 x 12" sub and 2 amps. The floor will be wrapped in carbon, and the rest will be painted blue after some fiberglass work.
I'll keep working on the car and I'll keep posting pics of the progress work throughout the days I work on it.
When do you get tired?!!!!!!
Good work man, I'll be watching. Maybe I'll do something cool this winter now
do you sleep? i only have a 40 hour/week job and i don't get anywhere near that much done to my car that fast. you're nuts! wanna come work on mine too?
ohhh man, are we twins? for real... were we seperated at birth??? we think a lot...have the same taste.... im doing my trunk as we speak to..... how about one weekend we meet.... and build a car??? ha ha u inspire me man, my fav. dude on the .org ha ha!
I'm suprised with all the projects you have going you haven't hardlined that airride system yet! Looks good though... progress pics are a MUST!
No offense.. but it might be a pretty good idea to finish something every now and again before you start something else.
Ambitious much?
Looks good though.
thanks guys
Minion: well I'm in no hurry really...I'm getting ready for the 07 show season. If I finished one thing at a time, I know the way I work, i wouldn't be on schedule.
and yes...I do sleep thank you very much

LOL...not too much though. I go to school full time, working 30-35 hr weeks now (thank god not 40 anymore), homework and going out. I do alot of my work late at night, or early in the day before my day gets started. A little bit of work here and there adds up.
I'll get some more work done during the next few days
yay.. first the dash.. now the trunk!! woot! Cardboard!!!
all i have to say is that ur on crack for tackling soo many projects at one time. but i gotta say ur work is awsome, i can't wait to see it "done"
PLEASE UNHOOK your leader hoses, then put them into a TEE fitting and get yourself a WATER TRAP to go in between there. You'll be surprised how much moisture is in the air at times, and just will go into you tank/valves etc.
My Myspace Page
Vince looking good buddy, new month I see lol
I dont know how you can hadle your schedule AND build all this stuff, your crazy LOL. Good luck and you should probably become a premium member, you gonna need all the extra posts with how many projects you have going.
3 projects all at once! with your work and school schedule. Your simply insane! Living the life in fast lane haha!
Ill be watching all of your progress for sure! Very enteraining! Keep up the good work buddy!
damn it man, just stop, lol......all these projects are making me wanna go sicker with my original plans for next year, lol. quit antagonizing us!
amazing work though man......love all of it. keep us posted
The trunk set up looks very similar to mine but mine was just wrapped no fiberglass and carbon. Vince did I ever tell you I hated you.....................lol. The car is looking sweet keep it up man.
thanks for the tip James. I'll look into that for sure now.
haha yea...I get the I hate you all the time now. lol.
The trunk and widebody is on hold for a few days now because of the carbon work on the bumper and dash, I don't want any dust in the air right now until the resin is cured properly.
I might cut some of the wood and work on it at work perhaps...that way I can get some stuff pre-made (sounds like a plan to me now

Car is going to be amazing bro when you are finished! I love what you are doing with the trunk! Made me remember my Z for a second and thought I would post an old pic of the trunk from last year before I sold it.....

Good luck with everything man!
oo i miss that car Adam, i was at the car show at NE drag like... i dunno... summer before last i think it was... when you still had that car.....
Vince: I can't believe how much you are putting on your plate, and seem to not have a care in the world. way to go man, im sure u will keep us updated
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
man i cant wait to see your car finished for 07. its going to look sick as hell.
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
Well I got quite a bit more work done so far. It's taking shape pretty fast right now. (simple set up)
Here are 5 pics thus far:
I stretched some fabric and stapled it down on the wooden board. Then at the top I simply just pulled it tight, and used the rubber trunk trimming and pushed it over the fabric to hold it in place.
I made another piece at the back side that will seperate both curved sections at the sides by the tail lights. I used a knife and made a slice so once everything is finished up, it will have a nice clean line where the 3 pieces meet.
Now the bottom "floor" will be wrapped in carbon, and so will the 3 pieces I just fiberglassed. The back wall where the sub and 2 amps will go will be painted blue. I was going to do that in carbon aswell...but alot of it will be hidden by the amps and then the large cut out of the sub wont really show much carbon and I'll be wasting too much material on it.
But you never know....I still might do it, b/c the full carbon set up might look tits
I think it will look awsome... You DEF. need some water traps!!! And maybe you should think about hardlining your system... wouldn't take much doing... and WAY more reliable!
Well, after having the past few days cutting around the quarter panels and fenders. I didn't want to do much more on the trunk due to the dust that would be collecting in the air.
since my last post I have sanded both side panel pieces smooth, and today I finally got around to wrapping them in c/f.
Here are some more progress pics from today.
I got anxious and wanted to see what it would look like when placed back in the trunk...here is basically how it will go.
Since then I have put on my first base coat of resin on both pieces. Not sure if I will tackle these tomorrow however...I do believe I will be working on re-locating the gas cap tomorrow instead.