Like your car, sorry, dont like the neon though. If you got 20s and hydros on a car like that, it neeeeeds a kit. Otherwise, the wheels just look too big.
His car is not in the "kitted/Wing/go fast" scene. Look at it. It is a FULLY SHAVED / Rag top / Billet Mirror / Chromed engine/ CUSTOM EVERYTHING kinda ride. Know what I mean? This winter we are gonna Suicide the doors and he is gettin a NEW CUSTOM paint job. BTW, ALL his Suspension components including the Hydros are all Powdercoated and everything else is Chromed. Much more detail in his Neon than most cars out there. And it is still a work in progress. I wish I had as much Chroms/ Powerdercaoting as Kyle, one day I will. Sorry for the long post, but the Neon wouldn't look right with a kit. And it doesn't hop either, but it can sit on a MEAN DOG LEG with an incline.
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nice car but hate that noen
dont like either one of em. just not my thing. i do respect the work and dedication tho.
cars look sick, obviously the cavy is guys shoulve taken a pic of both of them facing each other with the front jackkkedd!
unevenly inflated bags = ghetto
but hell i cant help but love your car
Both cars are clean!! Super nice job on that Cav though...always enjoyed pics of your ride!
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
miss the 20s on ur car.. i think ur 19s would look better on his car aswell..
hey man pics. are sweet! car looks hot.... i just seen that neon last week!
hate the neon,.. wheels look too big.. needs a kit, stock bumpers are ghey...
Love your car, especially the wheels...
You car looks beautiful as always, but that Neon, ugh horrible. It makes baby jesus cry
looks bad ass, where are all those tatted up walls at? I love background shots with that @!#$ in the background!!

Portage, MI
I don't like the tails or the license plate on the neon, other than that I love em both (the neon less of course)
cav looks awesome, neon is nasty, he could of done without a kit if the stock bumpers werent so ugly,
Car looks sick as usual. The neon is def not my style, but you explained the look he was going for very well. With that in mind I think its pretty damn cool. The rims do look a tad big tho.
cool pix man, hey it was nice meeting someone from this forum today at the fall blow out in howell, just a reminder i was the one who judged your car. sweet ride man. peace
Thanks, nice meeting you too. See you around. The Desired Image 4th Annual Custom Show is June 9th 2007.
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I've always been a fan James...I love how clean you have the car looking.
i think the wheels are just a bit too big.
18"s is about all I can tolerate on a Jcar, or really any fwd car.
but other than that, and the neon's license plate location, I likes.
Love your car. As for the Neon, mad respect on the work and dedication but it could use some type of ground effects, maybe not a full kit, but it's just missing something. 10 out of 10 for both though.

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.