I am just looking for some pics of cars with non stock steering wheels. What would be the best kind or brand to buy?
Well really it's all up to you what are you going to do interior wise liek painting the dash and all that if you do that but really this should have gone in the interior forum as I am sure someone will say something BUT yeah all up to your taste
search button owns again. and yay i get to be the one to say it, should have gone in the interior forum
I just figured in the photo's and media forum I could get PHOTOS and other MEDIA concerning steering wheels and such. And it is a pain in the ass to go searching for random steering wheels on here. And great job "carbon cavi" and "matty b from jc" for helping with nothing, instead of typing that you could have actually posted a pic of a steering wheel in your car or somebody elses.
Get your panties out of your crack. This isn't the correct place for this thread, plain and simple.
Sorry people, please refrain from the usual jbody flaming attitude.
then refrain from the usual jbody stupid mistake

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
.....Insert comment here.....
RobMan 41 - Project GXP wrote:.....Insert comment here.....

Wow, I even got Christopher Walken. At least this thread wasn't a total loss! Sorry about the stupid post, I am sorry okay. I am just sorry.......... But seriously, anybody with any pictures at all. Hows about Christopher Walken with a steering wheel, is that a possiblility?
Google it. Or, search for threads with photos of modified interiors. More often than not, there will be some steering wheels.
bmxludwig wrote:With Christopher Walken?
Now I am being a complete ass but here ya go.
but seriously, if you need custom look at momo, sparco, etc.
Street Beat custom - Lowrider types
The ever so common racer wheel - momo example
Its all about what you like, some people here just go with the racer wheel. Search interiors in the pics or interior forum for some pics. Otherwise look up so low riders if you are interested in that type of wheel.
Wow. JBO never fails.
The guy asks for pics of aftermarket steering wheels in their cars. Now how in the @!#$ are you supposed to search for that kind of stuff?
I want to share something with you - the three sentences that will get you through life. Number one, 'cover for me', Number two, 'oh, good idea, boss', Number three, 'it was like that when I got here.'
Myles wrote:Wow. JBO never fails.
The guy asks for pics of aftermarket steering wheels in their cars. Now how in the @!#$ are you supposed to search for that kind of stuff?
lol I just searched steering wheel in the photo forum quick search. look what I found, 3 examples.
clicky 2
clicky 3
It takes a little time, some sifting through junk, but its not that hard. Hence why some people get mad, don't help and I start posting random pics.
Myles wrote:Wow. JBO never fails.
The guy asks for pics of aftermarket steering wheels in their cars. Now how in the @!#$ are you supposed to search for that kind of stuff?
-> Advanced Search
-> "momo wheel" or "sparco wheel", click the drop down and change it to "Interior Mods"
-> Check "Show only Members with Pictures"
Wade through results.
Alternatively, you can go to any of the several manufacturers of aftermarket steering wheels websites and check those out as well. That includes and is not limited to Tenzo R, Momo, Sparco, etc.
Additionally, you can check out some of the websites that offer j-body parts (aplusperformance comes to mind) and take a look at their product selection.
Any other questions on how to find the information that is readily available to anybody with five minutes worth of time?

Interior FAQ -
J-Body of Michigan -
I guess I just thought that people would be eager to post pictures of their rides, with their wheels and interiors, but jeesh I guess not. Man I hate it when people find it easier to poke fun and flame rather than to just post pictures.
you would get results very slowly by the time everyone started posting pictures. Searching might take a bit of time, but you'll get results faster in most cases.
click that pics of my momo wheel and hub
You should get a chain streering wheel, that would be bad ass AND it would make your car do mach7.