here's how i did it....until i bought an aem cold air intake.
my carDomain updated 4/24/07 I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
so a 2.4 intake will fit on an ecotec?
boost is like ice cream, there's always room for it
I have one on my 03. Look CLOSELY at the angle of the Fitting on the TB. I used the bracket on the intake, had to slightly bend it.
After all said and done it touches the padding on the unders side of the hood, Let me re-phrase that. THE CLAMP touch the padding NOT the intake.
Now here is a pic of a RK ECO intake on my 02 - FITS TONS BETTER, however I got the intake for the 03 for $20 and the RK for $185. So I guess it is worth saving a few bucks if your not tryin to show it off.
That is a Old pic of my eninge bay above, I have new pics that will go up soon.
OH YEAH, I TOOK off the 13mm nut and bracket and then the BOLT, the Intake is ALL THE WAY to the farthest mounting point as possible towards the Passenger side of the engine. Just looks at the direction of your ELBOW fitting and compare it to mine, you should be all set after that.
good because i can get a 2.4 intake off my friend for $35 and if i want one for a 2.2 im gonna have to buy a brand new one. a buddy of mine just put a cone on the end of his stock intake gets better gas mileage and you can feel a little more pull but i want a full intake
boost is like ice cream, there's always room for it
04ps wrote:can yall give me some ideas on how to mount the intake?
I put a 2.4L intake on my Eco last year, I used plumbers tape to temp hold the intake in place. I wrapped plumbers tape around the intake and bolted it to the PS bolt. It may not look pretty, but it works.

<--- Plumbers Tape
noice! i need one of them 90 degree elbows bad!!!
Joey Baggs (Eazy716) wrote:noice! i need one of them 90 degree elbows bad!!!
good luck finding one. i was searching for 8 months until i broke down and bought an aem cai.
my carDomain updated 4/24/07 I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
s1lver_N1p wrote:Joey Baggs (Eazy716) wrote:noice! i need one of them 90 degree elbows bad!!!
good luck finding one. i was searching for 8 months until i broke down and bought an aem cai.

.... Just determine what size you need, and then enter into
i always assumed there would be hood clearance issues with just a 90 degree silicone elbow.
anyone know the size of the Eco TB off hand?
i have heard that with the same intake i have, on 03+ cavaliers, there are clearance issue. but on my sunfire, theres like an inch or a lil more gap between the 90 degree elbow and the hood. i'm not sure of the size on the t/b.
i think the TB's are 2.75" but cant find anything difinitive to confirm it
did this a few days after i bought the car....... aem cai on there now

then i got a couple extensions,
then i did this

-dougall- wrote:did this a few days after i bought the car....... aem cai on there now

WAI (Warm Air Intake), not CAI. It's not a Cold Air Intake unless its mounted outside the engine bay.

hes one of those guys that reads magazines for the pictures i guess

does it really make a differnce in performance to pui a 2.4 intake on an eco? also can you put a bigger tb on it if you do this swap?
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Patrick Myers wrote:does it really make a differnce in performance to pui a 2.4 intake on an eco? also can you put a bigger tb on it if you do this swap?
theres no real performance gain between intake is an intake is an intake.
as far as the TB, you can put a bigger TB on at anytime, regardless of the intake.
Do I need to do any modifications to the 2.4 intake? I'm asking this because the stock intake has a plastic tube connected to the fuel pressure regulator and most of the 2.4 intakes don't have that (correct me if I'm wrong) or at least I haven't notice where is located . If the 2.4 intake doesn't have it how do you modify the intake?
Joey Baggs (Eazy716) wrote:noice! i need one of them 90 degree elbows bad!!!
You could always order a $30 2.4L Intake on ebay jsut for the elbow.... not too bad a pric efor an elbow that will clear.... lol.
ok just so we are clear...
the only reason you would put a 2.4 intake on the eco is to SAVE MONEY
meaning either you had a 2.4 and now you just want to reuse the intake
or that 2.4 intakes are cheaper and easier to find at a low price
and an intake is an intake, you show me proof that there is a difference between "warm air" intake numbers and "cold air" intake numbers and i will put my foot in my mouth
***RIK*** wrote:Do I need to do any modifications to the 2.4 intake? I'm asking this because the stock intake has a plastic tube connected to the fuel pressure regulator and most of the 2.4 intakes don't have that (correct me if I'm wrong) or at least I haven't notice where is located . If the 2.4 intake doesn't have it how do you modify the intake?
Thats a vacuum line running to the fpr, when you take the intake off look down at the manifold there are two vacuum nipples with caps on them. Take one of the caps off and hook the vacuum line up to that.