So far i just roughed in the box, I need to fill the gaps, its sealed and everything.
I just HAD to get the subs in it to hear them. They are awesome, no complaints at all.
I think im going to move the 6x9's to the sides of the box thats in the car, my brother had a '92 Eclipse, and they had them in there that way, this way I can make the deck flat and cover it easier, and the 6x9's should sound a bit better maybe.
Tell me what you think so far, and YES the car is filthy and is my traveling toolbox right now, disreguard anything you see thats not car.
C&C, thanks for looking!
Damn, those are huge

Nice man.. What is the wood gonna be covered in? Carpet, suede?
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
They are, I had them next to my type-r subs and was like, wow how did I ever go without? haha
I think I want to cover them in suede, but my girlfriend brought up a good point... does anyone know how to clean suede? the sample I got said dry clean only, kinda hard to drive the car into a cleaners!
I might do OEM carpet match to cover it. I don't know yet 100% but I really want suede.
have you thought about fiberglass?
Im going to glass the whole thing in, to sorta make it flow nice. It wont be "angly" or sharp edged like it is now, It'll have some curves.
After I make it look good with the fiberglass Im going to cover it in cloth or something. When I I think of fiberglass I think of the shiny gloss paint taht people use to top it off with, and thats not really my style, I like a satin finish at best, the most.
What do you guys think of the 6x9 reloation idea? from an acousitc standpoint? I will be facing them around the same angle of the subs, toawards the front of the cabin. Should I do it?
thanks for the comments so far!
^^ I'm workin on it.. slowly but surely.
It seems to me like, I can ALWAYS find something more that I want to do. And now that I started something, construction wise, I feel like I can do anything to the car, no more fear.
My ultimate goal is to have the Interior work, the major bodywork, and be turbocharged before 2008. Considering I still have a LOT to do inside the car, 2 bumpers and a door to replace, and 1/2 a turbokit to buy. I got a bunch of work to do, in my 1 day a week that I reserve to the car, and THATS only when i have the parts to do anything.
Carrie, Hows the car pull with the new mods?
^^ If you want me to finish faster, now youll be madder. Cuz I decided to change the whole setup, Im happy with the LOOKS of it, and the speakers sound awesome, but the acoustics just dont sit well with me. I like the sealed box sound, I tried a different box, vented at 32hz, and it was still good, but not my sound.
I had 1 of my 12" subs in the trunk today and it overpowered my 15" subs, with a smaller amp. Its because the 12" faced the trunk. I think if the 2 15"s were in the trunk area they would be hella loud. So im going to use a different setup, rip this one out and make box in the trunk. Im NEVER happy! Pics soon!