Umm I don't think you rally needed a whole new thread. LOL

more people will look at it this way
Haha same reason I usually post new threads instead of updating old ones.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
That turbo set up looks clean as hell, yet to get one
mmmmm i love boost. and your bay is really cleanly put together. very nice
i spy with my lil eye a saab manifold
looks good
*************Yea i spell liek wrong get over it*****************
** If i write in caps its cause im @ work and i can only write in caps cause the keyboard is a retarded CAPS only keyboard.**
sure, nice n everything... having no filter on the intake side isnt nice though. how come not even screen? or is it just not done yet....
oh and whats with the ego trip??
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:21 AM
there is a filter laying right next to the car in 2 of the pics, thats the filter i have on it, i didnt have it on yesterday cuz i was working on the car.
what ego trip might you be talking about, if its about engine shots that people requested, i have had many many people wnt to see pics of my motor since i put this on and have got around to it, so thats y its titled how it is, if thats what your talkin about. no wrong in what i did. i dont have a big head about my car by any means
looks good. is that throttle body section off the rksport intake i gave you, lol.
Looks sweet...any vids?
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
not yet, but definitely soon
z yaaaa wrote:sure, nice n everything... having no filter on the intake side isnt nice though. how come not even screen? or is it just not done yet....
oh and whats with the ego trip??
what a silly post, everyone can see the cone next to the car, and no where in this thread did he blast his own ego, in the other thread people, like me wanted to see the engine bay, and he provided pics, whats the problem?
beautiful setup BTW and i love the turbocharged ECOtec on the cover
navycav3 wrote:z yaaaa wrote:sure, nice n everything... having no filter on the intake side isnt nice though. how come not even screen? or is it just not done yet....
oh and whats with the ego trip??
what a silly post, everyone can see the cone next to the car, and no where in this thread did he blast his own ego, in the other thread people, like me wanted to see the engine bay, and he provided pics, whats the problem?
beautiful setup BTW and i love the turbocharged ECOtec on the cover
first off i hadnt realized he woulda taken pics without the filter on the turbo, i see way to many ppl on here running their's with no such filtering on them whatsoever and it just irritates me. give me a break.
as for the whole 'ego trip' deal... i just assumed it was so because of the 2 posts he made. what would you think? i didnt know 'everybody' wanted to see pics.
i would def. like to see pics of the intake actually on the car though, i just cant picture how its going to fit downt here.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Thursday, July 19, 2007 1:35 PM
i never had it boosted with the stock manifold but it looks like it would flow better since the runners arent as long and are more open
thank you for the comments, keep them coming
The01Cav wrote:Haha same reason I usually post new threads instead of updating old ones.
yes and we all LOVE when you do that /sarcasm

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
i love it!, looks really good.
maybe its just me but if i had a setup that nice, i would definitely make another thread showing it off.
Love the car Brandon....good job on getting it together, so when are you gonna come down to florida and help me??

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
hahaha I have the same engine badge...anyways, car looks good!!!

Getting "better built" for the '08...
[quote:02cavybuilder wrote]
a stock cavalier 2.2 has 115 hp with a 4-2-1 header gives exactly 12hp, so 127hp, chipped 30 extra hp,so 157hp with shaved and ported heads 100 extra hp so 257hp motor mounts 10 to 15 extra horsepower now ur lookin at 269hp rufly, fidanza flywheel 10hp 279hp cold air intake 5hp, 284hp racing muffler 7hp, 299hp ignition system 3hp, 302hp, so no one needs to say anything bad about cavy's plus i out ran a chipped 97 honda civic and didnt get over 4000rpm and mine was stock.
Nothing like ricer tuning! Never knew motor mounts gave extra power!
2002 Sunfire -->
- Ractive steering wheel
- ASA 17" EM9 + Nexen N5000 215/45/17 (steelies for winter)
- D-Spec Lowering kit @ 1.4" (issues currently

- Rockford P250.1 + MTX MZS1004 + Panasonic CQ-C8313U head unit
- Barely legal tint.
engine looks killer....where did you get that badge?