Hey guys, I put this sticker on my bumper a while back when I installed my glasspack, should I take it off or leave it?
take it off stickers on the bumper are kinda tacky i guess you could say put it some where else like on a window or somthing
Yes, stickers don't belong on a painted surface. That is all I have to say on the situation.
Keep it on so everyone on the site can call you cherry popper.
I would get it off of the paint, just takes away from the car. It would make the appearence alot better for the car. Just my opinion though and take it for what it's worth.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
hey man! idk, im not a decal lover on cars at all so i hate it. but i do think it would look better on the rear 1/4 window.
and get that grime cleaned off!
Get that sticker off of there...asap. Just my .02
Yea I'm gunna take it off this weekend when I get time.. I don't really like it, it clogs up the bumper... I like clean things, I dunno what I was thinking when I put it on..
Its going to the car wash soon here for the expensive wash.