Love the streetfire kit....the paint is "unique" Not my taste but good work regardless. Id maybe look into lowering it a touch.
wayyyyyyyyyyy to much flake... and you need fogs for those holes
yesi no too much i did i s10 few years back and never turned out like that but after all said and done too much money to just sand off but now few years later looks like some of the sparkles are gone i will get some better pics
you need some evil eyes and you would be set, havent decided if i like the flake or not but i give and A for effort!
looks different thats for sure... donno if im a huge fan of the paint either... but im giving you props for the work... car looks sick regardless...
needs to be lowered
I'm looking forward to seeing updated pics
Wow...that looks much better.
I would NOT have covered the mirrors, rainguards & B-Pillar with it. It just looks messy that way.
It does need larger wheels, But Other than that, I could deal with the paint. Car looks nice otherwise.
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what new paint?????? havent touched it in 3 years dont know way that one pics looks so bad but the last 3 pics is the same paint
lol .... wtf I gotta get out of this j-body game now just because of this. I cannot noway be linked to something like this.
That thing got a Mercruiser in it?
I like it! bag it! slam it with some chrome 19s or 20s on there!
looks like a bass fishing boat to me?
I liked it before the flakes. It's just too 'baller' now for my tastes lol.
air would set off the look a lot better!
i keep telling everyone that all the pics are of the same paint the flake is starting to fade out finaly but in the sun it still there but after about 6gs have to live with it foe awhile
curtis gyorfi wrote:what new paint?????? havent touched it in 3 years dont know way that one pics looks so bad but the last 3 pics is the same paint
Why does everyone think he added the flake after???? he said the paint is the same in both sets of pics... the second set is just 3 years after the paint job (with the flake) was first done.
Makes Me Wanna Go To A Disco Club.
If you look close enough you can see the flake in the second set of pics! A+ for originality!