Nice pics man.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
Great pics Ben, i really wish i could have been there.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
Great pics Ben! It was a blast! Party in Ben's room next year!
the two Bens had the two verts. nice!
awesome pics man... nice to emet you
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Ben's room/ Room 417 FTW!! Hope you didnt mind the last minute party before cops came lol.
Great pics. Damnit though! you got a picture of my fart cannon before it was rehung!! booo
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
That red monte carlo is the funniest thing I've seen in so long!! That guy actually thinks it looks good like that? oh my i'd be so embarrassed to be riding in that p.o.s.!
awesome pics mang
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
this pic is just see everyone staring and laughing at the monte carlo
Chris B. wrote:That red monte carlo is the funniest thing I've seen in so long!! That guy actually thinks it looks good like that? oh my i'd be so embarrassed to be riding in that p.o.s.!
He probably thinks the same thing about your car.

~Using nitrous is like having sex with a hot chick with an STD, you wanna hit it, but your afraid of the consequences.~
Mike wrote:Chris B. wrote:That red monte carlo is the funniest thing I've seen in so long!! That guy actually thinks it looks good like that? oh my i'd be so embarrassed to be riding in that p.o.s.!
He probably thinks the same thing about your car.
ahh sorry to offend, you are probably someone who would think cars with wheels like that are sweet. My apologies
Chris B. wrote:Mike wrote:Chris B. wrote:That red monte carlo is the funniest thing I've seen in so long!! That guy actually thinks it looks good like that? oh my i'd be so embarrassed to be riding in that p.o.s.!
He probably thinks the same thing about your car.
ahh sorry to offend, you are probably someone who would think cars with wheels like that are sweet. My apologies
yeah and your probably a person that thinks 38" super swampers would look better on there.

~Using nitrous is like having sex with a hot chick with an STD, you wanna hit it, but your afraid of the consequences.~
wow good one, actually I'm partial to wheels that actually fit properly on a car, maybe thats just me though
this is my @!#$in monte carlo ridin spinners...they dont stop. see that @!#$?...thats real.. LMAO i love joe schulte
and good meetin ya ben. more fun next year...417 FTW