Very nice, they should accent your kit really well. Cannot wait to see this next year!
2009 Ford Mustang V6
wow that car looks amazing! i remember the post when you were putting the vents in the fenders and this is the first time ive seen it since. definetly an awesome 'fire. i say keep the silver wheels(dont know what they are
) when spring time comes.
simple minds talk about other people.
average minds talk about events.
great minds discuss ideas
Damn those rims look good on there, I like em way more then the 17's.
Wheels look awesome, still hate the way the vents look.
On the other have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
love the new wheels! justin's old? eh get it undercoated for the winter!
Damn..I think I like the winter wheels more!!!
God I @!#$ love your car.
Ur winter mode is sexier than tons of peoples summer mode lol
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged - 14.47 @ 94.56 1/4 Mile
cant wait to see this car again in the summer, (i'm basing the rear end of my new project on how the rear lip and IF sides come out looking)
hatch (cdmz24) wrote:Damn those rims look good on there
Those rims look great!
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damn thats a nice fire you have man... i love it...