definitely was a sweet meet and we couldnt ask for better weather and the scenic cruise was beautiful.
Very nice rides,photos are pretty good,HDR?
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Only one is HDR. The rest are just edited quickly and shot with the kit lens and a circular polarizing filter.
Well other than what appears to be Nelson's 'bird...i don't see any old school JCO cars *shrug*
14.330 @ 96.37mph
i don't get it...?
was this a meet or a show..?
nevertheless nice cars
BlownBlackZ wrote:Well other than what appears to be Nelson's 'bird...i don't see any old school JCO cars *shrug*
There were alot of the old school members out. Most of them have moved on from J-bodies though.
I had a great time. It should definately be an annual thing.
And it wasnt a show, more of a cruise/meet/bbq.