Just a quick lil project that turned out a bunch better than I thought it would.
I recovered my visors in micro-suede and added a new mirror. My friend always complained about how she couldn't do her hair in the visor and wanted bigger mirrors so she got her wish...lol. It's hard to tell it's micro-suede in the pics, but it is, lol.
If anyone wants a how to, let me know and I'll make one when I do the passenger side.
C&C welcome.
I think it looks pretty sweet. Clean.
how to = the cheap 4 dollar walmart mirror into the old visor.
looks great! good job!
How did you do the edges? I can't find a way to do mine that I'm happy with. Do the how to for the second one lol.
Sounds like I'll be doin a how to, lol.
Thomas -02 Ecotec- wrote:how to = the cheap 4 dollar walmart mirror into the old visor.
Hey now, don't be tellin my secret! lol Ya, it's one of those but it actually looks really clean and un-walmart-cheapness on there, lol.
tha_prowler wrote:How did you do the edges? I can't find a way to do mine that I'm happy with. Do the how to for the second one lol.
I'll do a how-to but ya, the edges confused me til I had it all glued up and went "O, crap, I have to do the edges NOW" lol
Looks good. I just went to the junk yard and bought two black cavy ones for $5
A how to would be great. Thats something I've wanted to do for a while. The giant mirror is cool
Thanks James.
nismoserenade wrote:Looks good. I just went to the junk yard and bought two black cavy ones for $5
The only reason I didn't do this is because I have a dyed headliner and they don't match and I tried previously to dye the visors too but it didn't work out.
Anyways... the how to is made!!!
HOW TO - Recover Your Visors