Car looks really clean except for the hood. I like how the rims and the headlights contrast the black. Nice work!
I'm sorry but painting the kit before fixing the hood is dumb
I will disagree and say faded black hood is better than a white exposed fiberglass bodykit.
thumbs up, now drop it like it's hot!

2009 Ford Mustang V6
CLC wrote:I'm sorry but painting the kit before fixing the hood is dumb
fix the hood? no
has to go down to metal. clear is gone. too much money...
i also said "new hood"
who said fix? lol
i dont think a SINGLE person would agree with you on that buddy...
Joe was mocking BUDDY
Now get the sand out of your vag.
But if I was going to have the car in the paint booth, I would have gotten the hood painted.
or gotten the hood repainted before I even bought a body kit.
That's all I'm saying, stating my opinion.
yeah, he was def not "mocking"
and i wasnt trying to be a douche with the "buddy" thing man...just how i speak.
still, had money to get the kit done.
got it done.
not painting the hood to come.
there looks to be a nasty sag in that front bumper? have u thought about fixing that? maybe before the hood?
WiGM-Tuners member.
02_redbadged wrote:there looks to be a nasty sag in that front bumper? have u thought about fixing that? maybe before the hood?
its not sag. its just not the quality you would want. lol
saw another cav on cardomain with the same EXACT bumper same problem same spot...i thought it was my car for a
the bumper touches under the corners...but not the main headlamps...
so pull up there and just gonna cause problems like paint cracking and fiberglass not holding up i assume...
only thought is to put something under it to pull it up some...
It's not like the hood is incredibly difficult to fix. Car is clean! Get that hood squared away and it'll be perfectly clean!
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
Check it out! -->
love the car........ hate the tails
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
looks good of course you know the minor things that need attention but overall is looks alot better than it did before
car looks really good, but the fitment of that bumper kills it. How come you didn't have that fixed when you got the kit painted?
I still like the car, undropped and all
AL1A5 wrote:car looks really good, but the fitment of that bumper kills it. How come you didn't have that fixed when you got the kit painted?
again, the bumper is what it is.
look at it, use your brain. it touches the corners...but not the head lamps.
if you pull up on the body kit (which does not move anyways in that spot) under the lamps it just causes issues on the other side...
the solution requires more than im capable of.
so come on Quick... how can you even use the word "rush" long did i have the kit on with no paint? like more than a month and a half!? yeah i looked into fitting the kit right. that is just how its shaped bro. like i said before i did, however, find another EXACT kit on a black cavy with the same fitment issue = just bad quality. my honest opinion is its fine for now, especially since where i have to drive while im at school the potential for a mess is high.
once im out of school sure, new bumper prob. and ill drop it throw new wheels on there and a hood blah blah blah go crazy for sure! lol
but ive tried pulling up on the bumper there to raise it up... hearing fiberglass crack is when you stop.
otherwise thanks for the kind words everyone!
Quiklilcav wrote:AL1A5 wrote:car looks really good, but the fitment of that bumper kills it. How come you didn't have that fixed when you got the kit painted?
I couldn't agree more. That could have, and should have, been adressed before it was painted. It's a waste to rush by skipping over proper fitment right to paint.
As for the hood, I still would have had it painted. Heck, if you sanded it down yourself, the shop probably wouldn't have charged much to spray it when they did the kit. Even if it was only temporary, it would have been worth it.
Thank you!
And if Anybody could make that bumper fit it would be mr. alia5 himself lol
CLC wrote:Quiklilcav wrote:AL1A5 wrote:car looks really good, but the fitment of that bumper kills it. How come you didn't have that fixed when you got the kit painted?
I couldn't agree more. That could have, and should have, been adressed before it was painted. It's a waste to rush by skipping over proper fitment right to paint.
As for the hood, I still would have had it painted. Heck, if you sanded it down yourself, the shop probably wouldn't have charged much to spray it when they did the kit. Even if it was only temporary, it would have been worth it.
Thank you!
And if Anybody could make that bumper fit it would be mr. alia5 himself lol
Charlie, i dont know what your obsession is or why you feel the need to "prove yourself" here but you havent looked over my bumper and you are not me, plain and simple.
maybe you will get over that at some point...maybe.
as for why ALL things didnt get fixed at the same time? I WONDER.
think about it dude...
thats like asking...why didnt you get a new body kit, rims, brake set up, lower it, redo the whole interior and build the engine up since it was at the shop?
money is the answer and i find it pathetic that i have to say it aloud.
painting the kit was a must cause i was sick of driving around with a white body kit. no one blames me for that choice, looks hella better now for sure!
sure i can always look for ways to support the bumper without damaging it...ill think that over sure.
and the hood? its got a paint spot yeah... but what you couldnt see...MY ENTIRE ROOF is worse than that spot...
there is alot more than meets the eye Charlie and alot more than you or alia5 realize.
i appreciate the concern as it IS OBVIOUS that it needs to be addressed but maybe you should ask why i did something before you jump into the good ole "auto ignorant harass" bandwagon.
yeah, thanks.
Thomas, first off, chill the @!#$ out dude. lol I love ya man, but damn, constructive criticism dude, gotta learn to take it. Your car has some flaws, and the guys are just giving their advice as to how to remedy the situation or say how they would've done somthing different. Honestly, I would've waited the extra month-ish, saved up, had the front bumper fixed properly and had the entire car sprayed at once, just my opinion though, not calling you out or saying you're wrong. haha
Secondly, great pics, great spots, and the Cavy is looking great. OEM ot Toyo tails, drop, fix the paint, and you're set my friend.
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Looks really good....great job. In the mean time just sand down that spot on the hood and spray it with a rattle can....@!#$ it...for now....wont show as bad as it is now.
GMR has got nothing on this
you lost me...
maybe you just need to read what was written...
there is NO constructive criticism there i know your a youngin but that there is called Bitching.
" That could have, and should have, been adressed before it was painted. It's a waste to rush by skipping over proper fitment right to paint."
what is constructive about that?
all that does is whine about how I decided to do it.
do you really think i dont know there is a spot on the hood? come on...
but again my plans dont call for that to be professionally painted AT ALL. (as i said 4 times in this post alone)
you want to see how to give constructive criticism? here you go...great example.
DOHC_tuner wrote:Looks really good....great job. In the mean time just sand down that spot on the hood and spray it with a rattle can....@!#$ it...for now....wont show as bad as it is now.
he obviously read what i put and understand that sure it needs work and provides a reasonable solution. and thanks again DOHC...i may just do that!
so bobby do you see what im sayin bro?
the flaws are obvious, and CLC was NOT "just saying how he would have done it different" you know that can read.
"its a waste to rush by skipping over proper fitment right to paint."
what is there to BUILD off of from that? nothing. its just bitching.
its negatively critiquing how i did it.
its not his car... maybe he should talk to the fiberglass guy at the shop that told me it is what it is? that the solution is to build up to cover the gap? lol dude...
CLC, Charlie...dude...
i got nothing against you but for real,
all you are doing is LOOKING AT PICTURES of my car and telling me how i did it...
you dont know what research i have done. so dont write things as if i didnt think of that and "it was a stupid waste" to do so...
and again, Bobby you know how my roof is so you wouldnt have written that in the first place...
Charlie does not know that my roof looks like that spot on the hood but all
its not his fault for not knowing...
but it is his fault for assuming that
A) i have the funds for that
B) im too stupid and he needs to tell me i did it wrong and
C) guess what... that was money i would have used for books this semester, NO ONE will say its not better off with the kit painted for those who saw it white. it was paint or keep it white for a year or more.
i wasnt erked that he was giving me his opinion...
its HOW he did it.
i know the flaws are there...sure i always love advice on them.
that was Negative Criticism for sure bobby...i hope you know the difference.
Charlie, anything you wanna help me with help me...but dont be that guy on the org. jumpin into threads flamming people on how they do things...especially when the "way i went about it" came straight from some vets on the org. after they knew my situation. (far more respectable than you. no offense)
get it? got it? good.
There's gonna be haters man, especially on here, just saying. I have to stick up for you, but Charlie and Joe at the same time. Sure, Charlie's comment was stupid, but ignore it. I'm just saying that you get kinda defensive really easily. Don't let petty crap bother you. Take the bull@!#$ in stride, and you'll earn your respect man.
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Bobby your kinda stuck to the "Take the bull@!#$ in stride, and you'll earn your respect man." theory, cause you know what? i agree, take it in stride...and hey i take not being a douche and making personal attacks anymore or anything like that. >>>but im gonna stick up for my self<<< respect? no one respects the guy that gets walked over either huh?
Charlie's comment was dumb, agreed.
"I have to stick up for you, but Charlie and Joe at the same time"
that makes about as much sense as you saying you hate the Yankees. har har har
so yeah, he is a Hater... ill ignore those from now on. just gets ppl worked up over nothing. (esp when they are ignorant...)
good talk.
thanks dude...