since i havent posted pics in a long time here... figured i would toss up a couple of the ones i took yesterday when i had some time to kill by the airport here waiting to pick up a friend of min.
questions and comments like always
~DVST8R~ aka ThaCaviKid
Nitrous is like wanting to have sex with a hot chick that has an STD... you wanna hit it,
but you are afraid of the consequences
Aside from the wheels it looks VERY similar to the cav I almost bought before I spotted the one I'm in now. Nice ride!
nice, i like it. pretty simple but looks good. maybe do away with the side moldings but other than that looks real clean.
Looks good, I like the wheels a lot could do with out the strips but they're not terrible.
Isn't that MN-jbodies site dead?
Where at in MN are you?
I hate the spoilers GM put on these. Every Cavalier with those stripes I've seen has that Grand Am (I think?) spoiler, and the regular Cavy spoiler looks 100x better. But other than that, I like the ride, very clean and simple looking. What seats are those??
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98z24ragtop wrote:I hate the spoilers GM put on these. Every Cavalier with those stripes I've seen has that Grand Am (I think?) spoiler, and the regular Cavy spoiler looks 100x better. But other than that, I like the ride, very clean and simple looking. What seats are those??
Its a "Rally Sport" package, or that's what I've seen it referred to by several dealers. Its actually a Sunfire Sedan spoiler. Personally, I like them.
As for your car, I really like it. Nice and clean. Have any better pictures of your seats?
i need new seats. they are kinda sun bleached, i dont know what brand they are and i need to buy some new ones... only this time in black. the spoiler is great. i think it looks better then the normal lip that the ls comes with.
mn-j sticker is still on the car for now. i used to hang with those guys alot... but they all soon parted ways. i am not really sure why i have left the sticker on there this long. i live in st. paul
~DVST8R~ aka ThaCaviKid
Nitrous is like wanting to have sex with a hot chick that has an STD... you wanna hit it,
but you are afraid of the consequences
I dig it, pretty basic, but it def works for ya