can someone explain what a balence shaft is to me? I have neve even heard of this term before the 2.4L LD9.
I know it is under the crank, by the oil pump... and i understand no one seems to like it very much....
but what is it for? what does it do? why does everyone complain about it? can you take it out? what would happen without it?
Wiki Balance Shafts
in our motors, the shafts spin at twice the engine RPM. so... when you're wrapping the motor out at 6500, the shafts are spinning at 13K. and since they're weighted, it does take some of the power out of the motor. in a performance aspect, most people can deal with the engine vibrations caused by harmonics inherit in 4 cylinder motors. so... they either take them out and replace them with neutral shafts (not offset-weighted) or full shaft delete kits.
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
So is there anything you lose from removing the balence shafts? Just added vibration?
is this vibration better or worse with performance engine mounts?
Just how bad is the vibration with neutral shafts, or with shaft delete kits?
I couldn't tell ya. I still have the stockers.
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”