Hi all i have to say there are some really nice cavaliers on this site
i am looking at a 1997 cavalier and I was wondering if there is anything i should watch out for or double check before i pick it up
Here are a couple pics of the cavalier i am looking at
Normal stuff really.... but if you do by that, please paint it one color, and get rid of that exhaust.
sadly, but the truth... the fact that its been "riced out" (poorly moddified) would be a red flag for me. i mean the body could be in decen condition, but if the previous driver was some teenager who thought he could beat anyone with an intake and stickers the who knows what the inside of that engine is like!! He couldve been driving around in 1st all the time because, as someone once said on here..."it sounds cool"
s eyes; and never changed the oil.
its like flipping a coin... if you know the seller or someone who knows them, you would have a better idea of how they treated the car.
best of luck to ya!
(if you buy, please paint it one color or at least a decent two-tone setu)
and most importantly...
Thanks for the input
Is there anything common that i should check out?