Yea. Insane. I know. And no its not junk, clean car, 140k highway (160 miles a day) miles, 5 speed, new clutch, master cylinder, battery, tires, runs perfect. His wife got a new focus, he listed it for $1,200. I got it for $1,050. Prolly the best deal I've gotten yet. How do I post a pic? Any advice on any little things to do to it first? (Appearance or mods) Thanks!
click on
and paste the website
thats a steal
i am gone from this forum
My goals are just to make it a little quicker. Not turbo or anything, just basic mods. Also a set of wheels, maybe a set of springs.. Not sure. Need to get some ideas. In the process of uploading some pics on my webpage.
search around the performance forum for mod idea's, but basically first general performance mod's are i/h/e. (intake/header/exhaust)
after that you could go with motor mounts and tranny mounts to put more torque to the wheels while launching, (this does create some vibration's in the car).
by set of spring's i hope you mean you're looking to upgrade suspension? if so DO NOT put lowering springs on stock struts. the stock strut's are not rated for any kind of drop and they will fail if you subject them to a drop.
so that being said, welcome to the site and nice pick-up!
Yea Blucavvy is right, i would strongly advise new lowering struts if you do springs.
also it would be the first thing i suggest doing, reason being is it gives you you looks and a little added performance, and some wheels after that would be a good next step. but after that if you want more power you going to have to dish out a decent amount of cash, real power mods cost money, a super charger our a turbo set up is most likely going to cost at least $1500. Thats about what I had to spend on everything for my M45 setup.
The suspension set up can be costly too but if you get some slightly used part it could be significantly cheaper, and also your going to be replacing parts that are most likely worn out considering the mileage on the car.
There is a lot of info on this site so use it and if you can find it don't hesitate to ask.