that sucks. sorry but im not goin' off roadin' because of a dog. more damage happens usually tryin' to avoid the hit then just hitting it.
Ahhh... they say the best works of art are never to be finished. I belive it is so for you as well Jnickel
You're going to claim that on your insurance? Don't be too surprised when it comes to your insurance renewal they either drop you or double your rates.. :/
Dark blue 2002 Z24, 2.4 Ltr.
lone_wolf wrote:You're going to claim that on your insurance? Don't be too surprised when it comes to your insurance renewal they either drop you or double your rates.. :/
funny, cause they only do that for REPEATED offenses. This is his 2nd one in the last like 3 or 4 years. So I doubt they'll give him too much trouble. If your insurance skyrocketed for every petty mistake, why bother having insurance? State Farm really is the only group that would consider dropping anyone after 2 offenses, most often they won't. time hit the @!#$er! but...I'd like to see what insurance could do for you as well
Anyone else smell URINSCO?
well put sir
but that doesnt make me feel better about having state
but theyve been pretty decent about it so far
we'll see what comes from it in the next few weeks
ur deductible is probably gonna be more then that would cost to fix
Brandon Schmidt wrote:ur deductible is probably gonna be more then that would cost to fix
really? the estimate just came back for 1600
I say just nail the dog next time
altho if it was a big dog, the airborne flight onto the rock might have been smarter...
to fix what!?!
a dented fender and a new intermediate pipe for your exhaust?
For that kind of money you can compleatly redo your exhaust system from the header to the tip, Get Z-3 fenders, have them profesionally painted and install them yourself, and replace the heatshield from a junkyard J
It looks like the front driver fender, the front bumper and look at the bumper and fender how they line up.. he will need a new bumper and fender. Did ur rims get messed up at all? What is all dented under the car?
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the rims are decently fine (few small scratches on the pass side from dirt)
the guy at the shop said the bumper and fender could both be salvaged but i dont know what im gonna do about that yet
what i think im gonna end up doin is getting the floorboard/exhaust fixed and the small dings in the door area...and with the rest of the cash...i have a plan for that too..
like i said, we'll just see what happens
oh...and as for next time....the dog gets his lol
I told jesse to go out and hit the dog again, get a lil more damage, and get some neat shizzle
Love the plans jess...your car is gonna blow right by mine, and I'm referring to when my car looked good
it will still blow right by it.....
slow ass 2.4 lol
DeadBob wrote:
For that kind of money you can compleatly redo your exhaust system from the header to the tip, Get Z-3 fenders, have them profesionally painted and install them yourself, and replace the heatshield from a junkyard J
gotta love getting money from insurance
jnickle: sorry to hear about the mess man...but hopefully you can turn it around and make it end up good.
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yea when i got in my accident i got a z24 bumper w/ fogs, handles and mirrors paints, removed my pintripe all with insurance money + fixed my dash
all for $500 lol (they fixed all the damage too obviously, 3400 worth lol)
ouch! i'd go back with a shot gun looking for rover.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.