Latest Toyota Recall
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
So you mean an SUV during hard cornering has a risk to flip?
Yeah, appears it's more Toyota electronics drama...this time with faulty stability control systems. I don't know if there have been any injuries or fatalities related to this one, but it's good to see them not sweep it under the rug this time. Hopefully lives will be saved.
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
bwhwhahahhah, I love it, nothing makes me happier than to see that company go down in flames, pity they cant take Hyundai with them

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
still a little too early to call it going down in flames. I am glad they did this recall tho
They don't want to pay another 16 million dollar fine. But really, you know Toyota will recall any damn thing now since they're under the microscope.
As for the SUV itself electronic issues ok I can see that as for the rolling over, come on what do you expect. Yes many SUVs have the warning label right on the visor. How do you think a Wrangler would do on that test?
Just annoying I guess when people buy an SUV and expect it to handle like a car. The last SUV that failed that test that I read about was another foreign make, but the test itself was ridiculous some high speed spin out more or less.
Y'all miss the point. The other SUV's in this segment will not lose control due to
effective ESC systems. This big sumbitch has a high center of gravity to the point that if it didn't have an ESC system, it would not pass muster for sale to the public
at all.
The fact that such an integrated safety system is not performing its required task has nothing to do with whether we feel someone should be careful driving an old CJ-7...which, by the way, killed a helluva a lot of people in their day! These modern crossovers are sold with expensive stability control systems that are government-mandated for safety, and paid for handsomely by the vehicle buyer. When it fails to do the job it was designed to do, to do what the buyer paid for it to do, there needs to be a solution applied.
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
Did the vehicle roll over? The video I saw just showed it skidding, but not rolling. I think its stupid that stability control is a federally mandated thing. Its common sense that a SUV will not perform as well as a car. However, in this day and age where nobody can take responsibility for their own actions its either a law suit or federal regulation, with teh possibility of a law suit even if performing up to standards.
I hear ya, but it's just one of a host of safety features on modern vehicles that save lives...AND in this case, allow the manufacturers to build high CG vehicles.
If one takes your point of view farther, one could choose any safety feature on a car and pick it apart:
"Crumple zones? Hell, you don't need crumple zones if you just aren't stupid enough to run into stuff!"
"Safety belts? What the hell, just don't roll the car over and you won't get thrown out of it!"
"Anti-lock brakes? Holy sh!t, learn how to modulate the pedal and you don't need em!"
...and on and on and on. Like it or not, today's safety features mean today's vehicles kill a lot less people, and yes, even those who drive them like idiots. You may not like the idiots, but they sure don't deserve to die for it.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, April 20, 2010 4:14 PM
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
Whats ABS??? Both of my cars have the ABS disabled due to it being a safety issue. I can stop my car faster without it. I have had to many times where the ABS kicked in due to @!#$ty roads in Mi and it caused me almost hit something or blow a light that I could have otherwise stopped for. I always wait till I feel its a safety issue before I disable it. My 02 performed just fine in the rain on Azenis at a local road course, without any ABS.
Crumple zones and seat belts I can see. ABS, ESC, RSC, ASR, ect.. are just added expense and weight that only save the ass of those that dont know what they are doing and should probably be driving a 3 cylinder Metro.
I also take issue with airbags. Great if you are the average height person, not great if you are short. Both of my cars, my sisters car, and my moms car have the driver side air bag disconnected. If the bag goes off and my mom or sister are behind teh wheel they will be injured more by the bag than they would be without it. I know I wouldnt want a bag going off a right in my face. That being said, me at 5'6" had a bag go off in a 23 MPH impact and I never even touched it, also the crumple zone was not really an issue since the bumper of the Envoy just kinda went right over all that and across the top of the frame rail.
Your opinion(s) are rightfully yours.
Unfortunately, to the vehicle manufacturers and the NHTSA, they are irrelevant. That's not a dig or an insult, just straight talk about the fact that while everyone has a different idea about what's a good safety feature and what is not, we are mere flyspecks. We don't make the decisions. Not our job.
Lives are saved. These systems save a lot of them. The carnage of decades past is over. I think it's a good thing. Hell, if nothing else, it keeps engineers working!
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
People have a misconception of whats ABS's purpose. ABS is primarily to have steering control while braking in slippery conditions. During dry pavement, a ABS equip car/truck will stop shorter (under 150 feet from 60) then a the car/truck with out ABS.
All of the electronics grannies are there not to belittle you as a driver, but so you can maintain control in a emergency situation, like a car pulling out, or a kid darting in front of you. Even driving the speed limit and being alert, if something approaches you at the wrong time, laws of physics will over power your intent of avoiding a accident. These electronics will only supplement any skills one has, and makes idiot drivers "worthier" of keeping their license.
The problem with this Lexus, is how late the Electronic Stability Control intervened, it was so late, that if there was a curb or an sort of incline, it would have tipped over a lot easier, especially compared to its competition.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Bill Hahn Jr. wrote:Y'all miss the point. The other SUV's in this segment will not lose control due to effective ESC systems. This big sumbitch has a high center of gravity to the point that if it didn't have an ESC system, it would not pass muster for sale to the public at all.
The fact that such an integrated safety system is not performing its required task has nothing to do with whether we feel someone should be careful driving an old CJ-7...which, by the way, killed a helluva a lot of people in their day! These modern crossovers are sold with expensive stability control systems that are government-mandated for safety, and paid for handsomely by the vehicle buyer. When it fails to do the job it was designed to do, to do what the buyer paid for it to do, there needs to be a solution applied.
hey now, don't be dragging CJ's into all this
Check out my build thread!
RuggedZ wrote:Bill Hahn Jr. wrote:Y'all miss the point. The other SUV's in this segment will not lose control due to effective ESC systems. This big sumbitch has a high center of gravity to the point that if it didn't have an ESC system, it would not pass muster for sale to the public at all.
The fact that such an integrated safety system is not performing its required task has nothing to do with whether we feel someone should be careful driving an old CJ-7...which, by the way, killed a helluva a lot of people in their day! These modern crossovers are sold with expensive stability control systems that are government-mandated for safety, and paid for handsomely by the vehicle buyer. When it fails to do the job it was designed to do, to do what the buyer paid for it to do, there needs to be a solution applied.
hey now, don't be dragging CJ's into all this 
LOL! Love them but let's face it...they've killed and maimed a number of not-too-swift folks over the years. The rollbar amputations and decapitations alone would fill a book! Crazy things happen when people don't wear seatbelts and flip one of these old classics with the top off
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
lol yeah very true, the old sport bar wasn't too kind to rear passengers. it's one of the reasons i'm converting to the family style roll bar.
Check out my build thread!