Hey all...
I have another question...
I'm using the innovate LC-1 wideband and HpTuners... I've notice that whenever I have my laptop hooked to the car, the wideband readings jump around alot...
Normally, the gauge moves nice and smooth..pretty consistent numbers, doesn't jump around at all really ... But, as soon as I start scanning the vehicle in VCM Scanner, the AFR moves around ALOT more... I think this is causing my VE tuning to be a little more difficult than it should.. The numbers for the cells are constantly changing, even if it's a few minutes later under the same conditions..
It'll jump from 12.1 to 13.5 back to 12s, to 14's etc.. But it only does it for a split second.. Real fast, the numbers only pop up for a sec and then changes...
It only does it when its plugged into the laptop.
The gauge and LC-1 are both grounded at the same location... Im wondering if maybe it has something to do w/ the output wires coming off the sensor.. I have a bare stripped wire in mine and I didn't see it mentioned in the manual or the online directions... They are kinda confusing.
Innovate LC1 Directions
Has anyone else ran into this before?
Any thoughts are appreciated..
I went down my shop & checked out my wiring...
The directions I got w/ my kit & the ones online are very different... I have a bare metallic wire as the system ground (white in new directions), and everything is explained a little more detail.
If I understood correctly, the system ground wire (bare) and the heater ground (blue) go to the same ground. The analog 2 out wire (brown) goes to my HPTuners box to log the WBO.
On the EIO HPTuners box- theres 2 spots on the plug for Ground.
Do these need to be hooked up to anything?
Should I connect one of them to ground- or are they ground outputs..??
Can I use one of them as the ground for a 2 bar map sensor?
HP tuners should be grounded the exact same place as the wideband, Ive noticed this in other LC1s as well the HP tuners data is consistant but the gauge itself jumps around more than usual
BTW i forgot to call you back last week about that map sensor thing
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Its cool... I don't wanna bother you anymore w/ bull@!#$ questions..
I changed my wiring around a little bit... One of the ground pins on the auxillary plug for the HPTuners box has been grounded to the same spot as the system ground and the heater ground for the LC-1. I didn't have a laptop to test it with last night, so we'll see if that fixes the problem..
I figured out the one problem I was having with the map sensor.. I purchased a 2 bar map so I could monitor boost in the VCM scanner. I originally tapped into the factory MAP wires for the 5 volt and ground wires, but I figured this might mess w/ the factory MAP readings so I am going to change it... I originally thought there was a 5 volt output off the HPTuners box, but it looks like they changed it to a second ground on the newer boxes..
I did some reading, and it looks like I need to pick up a voltage regulator from radio shack to convert 12v down to 5v for the 2 bar map sensor input...
Now, I've just been wondering how to set this gauge up in the VCM scanner so it shows psi and not kpa...
The signal off the Map sensor should be 5v not 12v, the only thing going into the hp tuners box should be the 5v signal off the map sensor
when the gm2bar map is in your table i have the formula at home for the boost guage
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Right right..
On my MAP sensor, it says... 5volt, Output, Ground..
Ive read they are a 5 volt INPUT- So I need to get a voltage regulator to kick 12 volts down to 5 volts for the input on the sensor. And then ground the sensor & connect the output wire to the HPTuners box..
Someone correct me if I'm wrong...
now that sounds about right, cant you tap 5v power source off the stock sensor?
now heres how to make a boost guage create guage then double click on PID, hit the + next to user defined at the bottom then hit configure user defined and just choose a blank one then you can enter in your formula if
im using [PID.11.IMP]-14.5
now thats not for every car my PID11 just happens to be my factory map sensor which of course reads up to 2.5bar, the IMP converts it and the 14.5 sets it correct
now to find what your map sensor code is you can hit the blue ? mark and then on the right side under paremeters if you scroll all the way to the bottom you should see a listing of 2BAR MAP GM AUX.20021
thats assuming you used that when you set it up in your table under insert AUXs then under map
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85