I'm doing a headlight swap this summer, and the headlights I have are a little fogged up in the lens. Took them to a Toyota dealer (theres a hint for ya) and they said that they are vaccum sealed and I'm out of luck as for cleaning the lens. It's not a wet humidity type fog but a almost matte finish on the lens on the inside. It looks like it could be buffed out and I'm willing to give it a shot.
Has anyone else ever had this issue with their headlights? Are our headlamps vaccum sealed or whatever he meant by that?
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
Most aftermarket lenses are poorly sealed and they can let moisture in. I had a problem with my aftermarket APC tail lights fogging up inside, and I just drilled a tiny pinhole in the corner of the lenses and it helped a lot (allows the moisture to escape). Sounds to me like you are having a different problem though... first you need to determine what exactly the "fog" is.
BTW, I don't think headlamps are vaccum sealed. If they were, you would lose the vaccum everytime you change the lightbulb (unless there is a clear guard around the bulb).
- Ken
'99 Z24, Manual
If it's moisture getting inside, you might wanna consider running a bead of black silicone around the edges. Did that to my reverse lights and they've been bone dry ever since.
It is not moisture. The lenses are just....foggy. Almost like they have been burned sorta...
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
My old sunfire lense was like that, I used a rubbing compound and it took it off, and now it's clear again.
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the inside of the lens, correct?
heres a picture:
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
anyone wanna verify that for me please
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
the outside lens, the whole cover. the inside of that
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
its hazy, right........neons get this alot, what you do is take the lens cover off and wet sand it with high grain sandpaper, like 1500-2000 grain, should look good as new, or better
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You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
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I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
its hazy on the INSIDE of the lens. How do i pop the lens out?
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
pjk91 wrote:the outside lens, the whole cover. the inside of that
well man, if it's foggy like you're saying on the actual lense for the housing. You'll have to take that lense off the housing and like they said wet sand it w/ about 1500-2000 grit "Wet" sandpaper. Then buy some Meguire's or any Plastic Polish.. polish the inside and outside of the lense. You can also purchase Meguire's Mirror Glaze or something along the lines of that it's a plastic surface like.. i guess you'd say restoreer of the shine & luster of it. I use the polish & it on my heads & tails and they look like new!
Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine