but, they are only for 00-02 applications are they able to fit previous years? I know the 00+ fenders dont have the braket for the coner lenses. Might throw a wrench in the plans a little.
I have them there not that nice. Kinda ugly they dont flow well. FiberGlass looks better the vents are more molded instead of looking like somebody used a giant can opener on your fenders.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bluej/another-1.jpg>
I dunno, i just looked at the website and they looked pretty darn ok lookin to me. Id pick up a pair of steel z3s over fiberglass. Especially at that price. Plus itll take a little more impact on the front end instead of glass if something ever happened.
carbon cavi, your fenders arent what is supposed to take the impact when u get in accident, thats what the subframe is for, its built to take impact, you think sheet metal body panels bolted on top of the structure have any structural rgigity or importance? umm no
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
wow take the cock out of your ass i was talking along the lines of if you get in a small " fender bender " imo i would rather have metal than fiberglass, yes fiberglass is simple to repair, but the metal might just bend a little where fiberglass might have cracked or broken apart.
Id have to agree with carbon cavy "MACHINE". One other little detail is that id rather have the metal fenders over the fiberglass fenders because the fiberglass fendies would contribute to my front end being to light therfor giving me some more wheelbounce... god damn econmy car....
had no issue, was just stating a fact, i misread what you meant, sounded like you were speaking that an accident would be easier on you with metal fenders over fiberglass. did i come off as being a d1ck? didnt mean to, for that im sorry... i would never use fiberglass fenders, kit, or hood, fitment issues and im lazy and dont do fiberglass work. i just thought you were talking about collision properties as far as safety goes... misunderstood
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
its all good, my bad for flipping out, its just some people on the org try to know everything or never admit theyre wrong and that runs right up my backside, but you appologized and acknowledged that you misread it, and werent trying to be like that so you came out the bigger man. props bro, sorry for the flip out.
I can get you some nice fiberglass z3's.. those metal ones look like someone took a dremel to them or something..
POLYFIBER kits $375 (BMX, BC2, Blitz, Drift, KMAX) *
can anyone get me a up close pic of the metal z3s other than the ones off that site?
z3s are ugly dont get em period
im just not a fan of stock period
where can a get steel z3's for a 96 cav?
12's......here i come
I am glad i stumbled over this tread, i was also considering purchasing these, but i was sceptical, because they were so cheap, and i didnl't have a whole lot of info on the product either.
I still want up close pics of them not the crappy ones off the website so i can decide for myself if it looks like a hack job