I have been trying to decide what type of spoiler to go with for my Sunfire for a while. I wanted something that was rounded and would flow tih the car... but the supra wings were too high for me. I had an idea the other day and would like some feedback/sugestions with it.
I decided I would remove the stock sunfire spoiler... then mount it further back on the trunk, but build some "spacers" to lift it up off of the hood. I think this would look good, and I'm not sure if it has been done before. If so, please post pictures.
Anyways, as far an I know now, I figure maybe I can cut some pieces of wood to mount on the trunk and mount the spoiler on top of that. Then mould with fiberglass the spoiler to the wood spacers and the spacers to the trunk lid. It would sorta look like this from the back.
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The top line is the Sunfire Spiler, the three vertical lines are the wood spacer and the bottom is the trunk lid. ?Let me know what you guys think about this. Also, I have some experience in fiberglassing, so any suggestions on the fiberglassing would be great. Thanks alot and I look forward to hearing your suggestions.
Wide Body Progress
Sorry, the picture didn't come out like I wanted it to. One spacer would be on each end of the spoiler, kinda like how the grand am spoilers are raised up, but a little higher.
Wide Body Progress
nobody has any idea whatsoever what the hell you are talking about....DRAW A PICTURE instead of using punctuation as your picture