Ok so my autoloc kit or should i say my 3rd auto loc kit has screwed up and i need to get another new kit. what kind would you all recommend??
Member of Bizaar Concepts car club
it's what have and it's never screwed up
*knock on wood*
<a href=http://www.cardomain.com/profile/ky_cavygirl><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/samistumbo/cavy_girl.jpg" alt="That @!#$ is tight yo!" border=4 id="myimage"></a>
Member of <a href=http://www.jbok.org>J-body of Kentucky</a>
If you're having trouble with Autoloc, the only other I could recommend you to would be Spal...
If you do go with Spal, let me know and I'll get you a good deal
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