I know if I look for like 3 hours on this site I'll find the answer, but don't have the patience. I have a 97 cavi, want to put an 03 04 Sunfire front end. Besides fenders, hood, lights, and bumper cover, anything else needed? Anyone else done this? Do the lights hook up to the radiator support thingy with two bolts or do I need a pontiac one? Thanks for the response...
If you want to do it all right here is your list
Front Bumper
Crush Guard
and MAYBE wiring harenss for the headlights (notsure on this one)
(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
Front Bumper
Crush Guard
hood latch
hood catch
radiotor cross beam thing (not sure of the technical term) its the part that the hood latch bolts to
turn light housings
fog lights???
all of the correct bulbs
bulb sockets and wiring
and I know I'm forgetting somthing else that I had to get for one of my several conversions.