I looked for a set of these damn things for years and could never find the part numbers or anyone trying to selling them!
and now that i don't have any money a set of them turns up on ebay
just thought i would post this up incase anyone else searched endlessly for a set like i did
Heh... you should have asked sooner... the part number for those is in my files somewhere....
Not worth $60.................
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
yeah sorry not worth the price to me anyway.. maybe to someone doing a toyo cav look alike but i perfer black corners over those anyday..
SlowZ24 should have emailed Streetline
SUPERFASSSSTZ, T.Ocav soon - it went 95-99 then 2000 and thats it.
i had checked your site many times, always says you don't have any in stock, besides these are cheaper
but when i have some money later on down the road and you can get them ill probably get ahold of you, i love the look of those much better than all clear corners IMO