Urethane - Exterior Forum
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Hey whats goin on,
Well I came out from work one night and noticed these nice little scuffs in my bumper. I'm pretty sure the stock z24 kit is urethane, correct me if i'm wrong. Anyways, i'm fimilair with metal bodywork, bondo and such, but urethane is new to me, so whats the best way to fill my bumper. Thanks for any help.
the bumper is ABS plastic. when you say scuffs....is it paint scuffs? or are there gouges in the plastic? it really depends on the size and depth of the scratches.
any chance you can get pics? or describe a lil about the issue?
ABS oh ok, thats the word, gouges, did the first pic show up, anyways heres some more, sorry cars dirty, ya know canadian winters.
Well now that i know what material my bumpers made of i starting looking for some products. Anyone ever used either of these.
Thanks for any input
cant tell by the pics, but they dont look too bad. u sure you couldnt get away with a very thin layer of a the duramix?
then prime and paint
Thanks Joey, thats exactly what I wanted to hear, i'll head out tomorrow and pick some up.
he is incorrect, that bumper is not ABS plastic, i believe you are correct it should be polyurathene, or remove the bumper and look for the ISO numbers you will see by the numbers tpo,tpe,teo, pp, pu
i never did like duramix products i do like the 3m products awesome stuff, even the panle bond sticks to any type of plastic
this is going to be real hard to explain online on how to repair plastic it`s not easy but here we go
if this bumper is polyurathene that type of plastic is a non-offlien plastic which means there is no adheshion promoter needed and preety much any thing sticks to it so seeing that there is a small dent in the plastic you can use a heat gun to remove the dent polyurathene very easliy, the heat gun over the out side of the plastic you will see the dent pop right back trust me i have been doing this for a long ass time and this is the only plastic that does this,
ya might have to use some dollies and a little bit more heat to shape the plastic back, then cool it off with cold water or a blow gun, so something this small i would take my D.A. with some 80 and start shaping the plastic, then i go to 120 then 180 then 240 something this small i would not use a repair material on the plastic, but if ya have to 3m has a skim coat plastic repair material made just for small repairs like this
ok so this is not polyurathene plastic lets sya this is teo or tpo or teo that plastic is a offlien plastic which means you will need 3m`s adheshion promoter and that needs to dry for 15 mins before any repair material is applied
ok so let me also ad that 3m`s tubes require the applicator gun which is over 80 bucks and the tubes are like close to 30, so its not cheap, let me also add allot of experience is needed when working with plastic using a heat gun on plastic takes allot of experience to shape plastic using a D.A. on plastic alos takes allot of experience
but i hope i shed some light on plastic repair
can i haz bondo
^^^really?? i thought all of the stock J bumpers were abs?
either way....Big Daddy knows better than anyone around here. heed his advice!
ps - panel bond is definately expensive stuff. i think we went thru 4 or 5 tubes on my car at $32.xx a piece, and thats from a distributor. then again i bought them one at a time as opposed to a case
Oh, ok, I'll look around for the 3M skim coat, Its not that the gouges are huge or anything it's just I like to have nice things, and since I'm saving for school (Wyotech Bitches) I cant afford to paint my car and get new urethane kit at the moment, so I try to fix the things I already have. Thanks for the help, Joey usually knows what he's talkin about (from the posts i've followed) and if he recommends Big Daddys advice, thats probably the path I should follow. If anyone has advice or finds new info, post it, i can't fix the bumper till probably May anyway cause its way to cold in Canada.
im a bodyman and the glazing putty will be fine to use on it just make sure you sand down around the scratch to bare plastic just (even tho glazing putty can stil be used on paint rather be safe than sorry)
i really would not put a glazing putty on plastic i dont like it thats why 3m makes plastic repair for plastic and other material is for just that bondo on metal fiberglass, the skim coat on metal of fiberglass, you may like it but i like fixing the car correctly and using the correct material for the job needed
ABS plastic wold be found on saturn door panles, saturn 1/4, trim panels, i have never seen ABS bumper , not even the ford tempo or ford escort bumpers in the mid 90`s are a plastic xenoy always look inside the bumper to see the iso code it will tell ya what type of plastic it is
just remmeber guys if it floats you must promote
so lets say the iso code is gone due to a reconditioned bumper and you have to fix that bumper ,,,,,,cut off a small piece of plastic and try to sink that piece in water if it floats you must use a adheshion promoter, if it sinks any type of material will stick BUT NOT BONDO!!!!
from what i remember know i may be wrong the bumpers, in the early to mid 90`s should be either TPO OR TEO
mid 90` up should be TPO OR TEO i know weird right but not to much has changed in the yrs but the material has and the methods of repairing plastic have as well at least i think
hope this helps
can i haz bondo
Well I just took a look at the stock bumper Im modifiying for my cavalier and it says PP on the back of it. So that should help you in some way now what the material really is.
ok PP is poly propalyene spelled wrong but anyway that is one of the worst plastics to work with, its like working with candle wax even fixing a tear in it takes longer due to the type of plastic it is, why??? OFFLIEN PLASTIC and it need a adheshion promoter for any type of material to stick with it, BUT NOT BONDO!!!
polyurathene=non-offlien plastic
PP/TPO/TPE/TEO= offlien plastic and needs adheshion promoter
can i haz bondo
ive used glazing putty on my car and a bunch of other ppls and never had a problem and the 3m stuff your talking about is a lil more expensive. As long as your not fixing a hole then you can use glazing putty but if it were a hole i would tell you to plastic weld it or use the 3m mixture (its like an epoxy) but just for a scratch glazing putty is fine
I searched the Evercoat site and I can across a few products, MAXIM™ Adhesion Promoter, MAXIM™ Semi-Rigid Epoxy Adhesive and MAXIM™ Fast Urethane Adhesive, all three say that they will work on most automotive plastics, does that include Polypropylene. All the products are listed under Maxim™ Plastic Repair
maybe someone can take a look, tell me what you think.
i still wont use bondo on plastic but if it works for you go for it what ever fills the cream in your twinkie
i would suggest sticking with 3m products some of the best around
can i haz bondo
Alright, ya know what im gonna do, im goin on a mission to find the duramix plastic repair, then I'm gonna
jam that bitch in a jimmy rigged cocking gun, then im gonna fix my bumper.
Or worst case scenario i'll cut the tube open and spread the stuff on like bondo.
i dont know if your joking or not but i really wouldnt do that the 3m material is not made to do that buy the gun buy the material and do it right, ya cut corners on plastic you will pay the price
can i haz bondo
Ya, u guys will get used to my New Brunswick humour, I am going to do this right, I may as well learn how its done the first time. Theres a few autobody shops around my area, I may ask their opinion. And I'll look around for some 3m stuff, im defiantly a fan of there products. Thanks, again any new info is extremely helpful.
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