I did a door swap not to long ago and I have just noticed something odd about the window (pwr windows).... when the window is up a 4-5 inch section of the weatherstripping folds under... kind of hard to explain but here's a picture... does anyone know what is causing this??? its almost like the weatherstripping is trained that way... when the window is down it just unfolds and looks normal
seems like i fixed it... pull the weather stripping off... cleaned it all up strecthed it out just a bit.. put it back on adn it fits nicely now
yea i had the same problem, i just pretty much did the same and pulled it down, then fit it back in there and it didnt happen anymore, kinda weird
Yeah this happened on my moms car. And thats what i did to fix it. Then after i fixed ii i started to pay attention to a lot of other cavaliers that i see around town and sure enough on a very good amount at least one of the windows on the car did it. Definetly wierd and some what common in my opinion.
my 2000 did it every time i rolled it back up...then it would pop out about a 1/2 inch. I just played with it every time. I never did fix it or care to. GM cars and there windows for you.