ok iv seen membors on here shaving there fire trunk to go wingless.. but yesterday i saw a stock!! fire without one. did fires come from the factory at one point without one? the fire i saw looked like your basic one, it was a base model also .
yea some did. particularly in canada.
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
it was an option. i've seen a few around here that didn't have spoilers on them.
yea? it was the first time i ever seen it in person. oh yea cannon it was purple too haha.
yeah, apparently it wasn't a very popular option. there's a purple sunfire here without a spoiler, but they didn't want to swap trunk lids with me when i asked.
I have seen plenty of stock spoilerless Sunfires.
yea ive seen a few as well (in indiana). not many people wanted to risk not having that extra down force via the wing, thats why not many have the stock wingless trunks.
Yeah I love wingless sunfires. First thing I did when I got my car was shave it.
I think it makes the lines of the car flow better.
Toss that moon shaped fiberglass in the trash.
There are just too many years between playing with Hotwheels, and driving them...
Gillete fusion series razors for all wing shaving needs
But to be honest I have only hear of people welding or using boddy filler or a combo of both.
" Aint nothin' but a Peanut!"
ya theres 5 in town here without a wing, thats not including mine.
buttloads here wingless from factory.
^^^ Find one to trade with me!!!
your car just factory black.ičll see what i can do lol.but your a lil far away not exactly a 1 day swap if ya know what i mean.not many people will go without a trunk
Scott Holmes wrote:Yeah I love wingless sunfires. First thing I did when I got my car was shave it.
I think it makes the lines of the car flow better.
Toss that moon shaped fiberglass in the trash.
how difficult is it to remove the spoiler? i imagine you just unbolt from inside the trunk but what do you do with the wiring from the brake light and the holes left it the trunk lid??
yeap........4 bolts............one bigger hole for tthe wiring......... so 5 in all
i had the body man @ work fill em w/ 8115 the add filler from the top then re paint
swapped, supercharged, intercooled, 2.9, fun
is there another solution that will look alright and not require paint/filler??
yea can buy lil caps that go over the holes and silicone them from underneat sho no leaking
5 seconds to find another street...
this is what i was hoping for actually
are these caps specifically designed for this? where can i get them?
and thanks
Casper wrote:yea can buy lil caps that go over the holes and silicone them from underneat sho no leaking
guy at work gets them at radio shack i think.
5 seconds to find another street...