got a blitz front bumper and i got backed into and now there is a huge hole. would like to get it fixed but am kinda a noob but wanna do it myself. need some basic help on fixing it. its fiberglass. thanks
Find the cheapest brushes you can...
Tape wax paper over the front of the hole tightly...
Mix up some resin and hardener...
Lay matte saturated with resin over the hole on the back...
Give it an hour or two to harden...
Cover the front of the hole with a thin layer of filler...
Sand the front smooth...
Repeat as needed...
Wax paper? I would use fiberglass mat.. The mat is very cheap, $4 at walmart.
First you cut out any small pieces in the hole and sand it a bit, then you cut out a piece of the fiberglass mat that is big enough to cover the hole plus about 2 inches on each side of the hole, then first mix some fiberglass resin with alittle hardener, then brush it inside the hole and around the hole, then put the cut out mat over the hole and press it down hard and then put more mix over the mat, wait for it to dry then sand and primer then paint..
Not too bad, gonna cost you about $20 max
go walmart!!
My CarDomain!!! ---
Lefix wrote:Wax paper? I would use fiberglass mat..
The wax paper is to cover the front of the hole so you can lay matte and resin on back of it and have a half decent patch before sanding and filling. You remove the wax paper once the fiberglass hardens.
make sure if its cracked anywhere that you drill a hole at the end of the crack or else it will continue to crack. you can use whatever you want on the front but its just temp on there so when you build the back up, you'll have less sanding to do on the front. once the back is cured, you can add a very thin layer on the front to bond the front and smooth everything out.
Lefix wrote:Wax paper? I would use fiberglass mat.. The mat is very cheap, $4 at walmart.
First you cut out any small pieces in the hole and sand it a bit, then you cut out a piece of the fiberglass mat that is big enough to cover the hole plus about 2 inches on each side of the hole, then first mix some fiberglass resin with alittle hardener, then brush it inside the hole and around the hole, then put the cut out mat over the hole and press it down hard and then put more mix over the mat, wait for it to dry then sand and primer then paint..
Not too bad, gonna cost you about $20 max
go walmart!!
really? and whats to stop the glass from moving if theres no backing to saturate it on? and you would use one layer apparently? along with no filler?
reading other peoples responses on how to do this doesnt make you qualified to give advice on how to do it.
My suggestions goes for the front and the back so it's 2 layers and if he thinks its not strong enough then he can apply more layers over that as least I spent time trying to help, you are not helping him at all so just leave and get over it
My CarDomain!!! ---
Lefix wrote:My suggestions goes for the front and the back so it's 2 layers and if he thinks its not strong enough then he can apply more layers over that as least I spent time trying to help, you are not helping him at all so just leave and get over it
you dont want to do 2 layers on the front. you only want a very thin coat of glass on the front and once its smoothed, fill it with body filler. the back is where you should be laying all the layers of glass down at.
Lefix wrote:The fiberglass mat that I was talking about won't move, its a piece of fiberglass cloth
Have you ever seen mat saturated with resin? It will not hold itself up over a hole unless you don't have enough resin in it.
Moar Candy! LAWL wrote:you dont want to do 2 layers on the front.
Unless he wants more sanding and filling...
the mat does nothing but give strength to the fiberglass. if you dont allow it to bond together front and back, its pretty much pointless.
I've always built up on the back first, covering the hole with wax paper to give a temporary base like ranger said. Sand or grind first to get any residue or glossy surface off so you're actually stickin to fiberglass (I found a Dremel to work perfect) You really should put 2 or 3 layers. If its an area that'll have stress I usually put matte followed by some weave(just gives me security). After that dries, remove the wax paper and grind the edges on front so there's no space between the kit and your new glass. You should sand the surface of the new glass too so what ever you put on next sticks. You can cut up some matte in little pieces and soak it in resin and put it on top to have some strength on both sides. Sand again for physical adhesion. I use fiberglass jelly resin instead of body filler, but if you have filler around you can use that. Sand to shape. prime, paint, you should know the drill. The best way to figure it out is to try it. It's pretty easy, the only thing I've really ran into is how much hardener you use. Too much and you don't have much time to work. Too little and it'll pretty much never dry and it'll have to be redone. Believe me, I had a "professional" fix my front bumper since I had no time, and I ended up havin to redo all of it since it flexed and cracked where he "repaired" it without mixin enough hardener.
John W(Ranger1316) wrote:Find the cheapest brushes you can...
Tape wax paper over the front of the hole tightly...
Mix up some resin and hardener...
Lay matte saturated with resin over the hole on the back...
Give it an hour or two to harden...
Cover the front of the hole with a thin layer of filler...
Sand the front smooth...
Repeat as needed...
very good quick write up....I would do 2-3 layers (or more) of glass on the back side, which I believe is mentioned later.