I was watching a local news channel from Toronto and some guy (foreign) is making his own fuel out of newspaper at the cost of 20cents a litre. They showed him mixing the newspapers in water and then they said that he ferments and adds some stuff to it. They said that it take 1 tonne to make 70 gallons. Anybody know anything about this?
Thats what i use newsweek for....
Frank Serpico: The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.
Heres the article:
Motorists have just endured what can arguably be called the most bizarre month in the history of G.T.A. gas stations.
It started with the insane escalation of pump prices after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast.
It continued with marquees that wouldn’t quite fit the extra digits on their signs.
And it culminated in a raucous 24 hours before Hurricane Rita hit, with drivers across Ontario and eastern Canada going into a fuel fill up-frenzy.
It’s that kind of maelstrom that’s forced tinkerers to come up with solutions to the high gas problem.
Which brings us to a man named George and his answer to the endless roller coaster ride – make your own.
George is something of an amateur chemist who doesn’t want his last name used. The reason: he’s not quite sure how legal his process is.
But it involves something just about everyone can get their hands on – old newspapers.
George takes shredded newspaper, adds water and a bacteria, mixes it together into a paste and allows it to ferment. The result: an ethyl alcohol fuel that you can pour straight into your gas tank.
One ton yields 70 gallons, and the result burns cleaner than most of the expensive premium you can buy at regular filling stations.
How much does it cost him for his trouble? “Twenty cents a litre,” George confides.
He claims his car actually runs better on his newspaper fuel than it did before.
So why isn’t this available now?
It involves distilling, a practice forbidden by law. George isn’t sure if his technique is technically legal, although he thinks the rules apply only to liquids you can drink, not run in your gas tank.
And he has a theory about why the powers-that-be might not like that.
“The government wants to sit on their taxes, money from gasoline,” he posits. “And they cannot cheat us.”
Experts believe George’s explanation of his method is a little too simple, but agree he’s on the right track.
“We certainly can pursue biofuels, making fuels from biomaterials or from waste,” praises Pollution Probe’s Ken Ogilvie.
Both the feds and the province have programs to increase the amount of ethanol blended in gasoline. In Ontario, the target is 5 percent by 2007. The folks at Pollution Probe don’t think that’s enough, but admit at least it's a start.
In the meantime, if George’s method catches on, it could make headlines in the paper. And they’ll likely wind up going right back into his gas tank.
September 23, 2005
Someone who knows chemistry please tell us how to do this!!!!!!!!!
hehe thanks.
Frank Serpico: The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.