The first step is to have a labyrinth of bureacracy that's impossible to navigate, then the second step is to apply all laws blindly.
Check and Check.
Teenagers being busted as sex offenders for taking nudey pictures of THEMSELVES.
I love how in the talkbacks people are babbling about "I'm a parent, and I'm glad they put a stop to this!" Yeah lady, great. Your kids are gonna go to jail and have to register as sex offenders because they took pictures of themselves and sent them through the mail. Thank God someone has the decency to ruin their lives in order to instill good values in them.
Welcome to the U.S.S.A. people, just shut your eyes and hope they don't come for you next. Trust me, now that they can't extort money anymore, they're gonna play around with all the power they have.
for a Canadian, you always seem to care more about the US then your own country.
why exactly is that?
Well, I'm rather saddened to see you turning into the same bureaucratic idiot savants that Canadians are is all. Once you've had to traverse the labyrinth of laws, rules and BS that we have to in Canada, you'll understand my sympathy.
care to elaborate a little? been to canada many times(since im about 10 mins from the border) but cant say im very upto date on Canada politics/laws/policies.
I know it's "different", but school me on what ya mean.
Naturally we must register our children as sex offenders to protect them from sex offenders. Also we should shoot them in the head to protect them from getting killed. Seems logical to me.
bk3k wrote:KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
...and I'm not a pedo either, everyone knows I've got a pissing/pooping fetish.
...or at least now they do
J03Y Esquire wrote:care to elaborate a little? been to canada many times(since im about 10 mins from the border) but cant say im very upto date on Canada politics/laws/policies.
I know it's "different", but school me on what ya mean.
It's not anything specific, more like a creeping mindset that I've noticed. It starts with making rules upon rules, then about sticking to those rules mindlessly. Then they make up a cute little motto like:
ZERO TOLERANCE Sounds good when talking about drug dealers and murderers, but now they're doing stuff like arresting kids who have a hunting knife in their dad's 4x4 that they drove to school. And then when the rules don't work, because they're so godd*mn mindless, they just make more rules.
Take for example, in Montreal, you're not allowed to block someone's driveway. You get a tow and ticket for that. A bit harsh, but fair enough I guess. Except... they do the same even if it's YOUR car blocking YOUR driveway. Or just around here, they're trying to evict a family that's living in those big metal shipping containers in the woods. It's not a hovel or anything, it's all fixed up and insolated, but the county people don't like it. It doesn't fit exact zoning laws. So they want to kick the family out and put them into a tiny little welfare appartment. Lemme get this straight, the guy owns 2-3 acres of land and has 3 large containers to live in that from pictures look real comfortable, and they want to evict them all and toss them in a crime infested sh*thole just so they can have access to cable?
I'm actually happy that the county is having trouble evicting them. Apparently shipping containers are legal to live in if they've been fixed up and there's no law saying you need running water or electricity. As long as you have a pump and a generator, that's within code, and the guy does. So HAH!
But it's just this sort of bureaucratic nagging that irks me the most. I know it's everywhere now, but dammit... what happened to judging every case differently?
Reppin' the GBG! Go Golden Lions!
Or how I can't smoke pot because it gives me the munchies and makes me hit the hay at a reasonable hour, but I can drink beers and get rowdy and stay up all night and wake up with a hangover and not make it to school on time? Makes sense!! How can a plant be illegal anyway? It's just like that. How mother nature (or god, if that's your thing) intended. And someone on here is probably going to tell me why I'm wrong. Please do.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
Whatever wrote:Or how I can't smoke pot because it gives me the munchies and makes me hit the hay at a reasonable hour, but I can drink beers and get rowdy and stay up all night and wake up with a hangover and not make it to school on time? Makes sense!! How can a plant be illegal anyway? It's just like that. How mother nature (or god, if that's your thing) intended. And someone on here is probably going to tell me why I'm wrong. Please do.
Move to MA. They just decriminalized pot up to an ounce, but are trying to get every single type of tobacco product outlawed. Make sense, right?
Once they get around to legalizing pot, and a corporation starts selling it, they'll turn right around and start bashing it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 18, 2009 11:43 AM
Quiklilcav wrote:Whatever wrote:Or how I can't smoke pot because it gives me the munchies and makes me hit the hay at a reasonable hour, but I can drink beers and get rowdy and stay up all night and wake up with a hangover and not make it to school on time? Makes sense!! How can a plant be illegal anyway? It's just like that. How mother nature (or god, if that's your thing) intended. And someone on here is probably going to tell me why I'm wrong. Please do.
Move to MA. They just decriminalized pot up to an ounce, but are trying to get every single type of tobacco product outlawed. Make sense, right?
Once they get around to legalizing pot, and a corporation starts selling it, they'll turn right around and start bashing it.
I'm against tobacco being outlawed too. If you outlaw tobacco you should outlaw McDonalds and Burger King, otherwise it's very hypocritical. People need to start realizing THEY are the cause of most of their problems. If you need someone else to decide your life choices for you with laws and regulations, then it's my understanding that you're living in what SHOULD BE the wrong part of the world. I thought America was suppose to be free.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
What I've noticed is that people tend to think that what they don't like is wrong, and what they like is right. It's always the same. That's why you'll get hollywood movie stars who spend 200 days out of the year flying ten billion miles in a pollution spewing plane drive a Prius and recycle their paper. They don't like cars or driving, so that's bad. But they do like going to Monte-Carlo and the Alps, so that's good.
Want to ruin a greenies day? Tell them that you support outlawing airports and air travel. Hey, 30% of air pollution is caused by planes and the pollution they DO cause is much worse because they damage the upper athmosphere.
Maybe we all should start a "Stay Home and race your car." campaign?
Quiklilcav wrote:Whatever wrote:Or how I can't smoke pot because it gives me the munchies and makes me hit the hay at a reasonable hour, but I can drink beers and get rowdy and stay up all night and wake up with a hangover and not make it to school on time? Makes sense!! How can a plant be illegal anyway? It's just like that. How mother nature (or god, if that's your thing) intended. And someone on here is probably going to tell me why I'm wrong. Please do.
Move to MA. They just decriminalized pot up to an ounce, but are trying to get every single type of tobacco product outlawed. Make sense, right?
Once they get around to legalizing pot, and a corporation starts selling it, they'll turn right around and start bashing it.
The funny thing is that corporations can't start selling it because
IIRC it isn't so much that its "legal" as much as it is that your won't be prosecuted for up to an ounce.
It obviously isn't feasible to start selling a product if you can only possess an ounce, that makes it pretty impossible for a corporation.
I think they should be allowed to sell it. Let free markets sell it, and let people decide if they want to use it. Just like tobacco and alcohol. The whole concept of supporting a "drug war" and the concept of small government, limited government involvement are completely incompatible philosophies. The kinda thinking that we should illegalize every harmful choice is along the same line of thinking that we should scrap the 2nd amendment so that fewer people get shot. And I despise that kinda pro-nanny-state thinking. Freedom isn't freedom if you only get to "choose" between pre-government approved "choices." That is not a choice at all.
tobacco should be outlawed, im tired of stinking ugly @!#$s coming into the store where i work, i honestly feel like throwing up on them because they smell like @!#$

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Rodimus Prime wrote:tobacco should be outlawed, im tired of stinking ugly @!#$s coming into the store where i work, i honestly feel like throwing up on them because they smell like @!#$
Haha this made me think of the whole 'your rights are protected as long as they don't interfere with the rights of another person' thing. I could see the reasoning behind people having to breath smoke in, totally kills your right to be healthy. But I don't think 'stank' is a legitimate reason to outlaw something. Kills your right stank?
I'm not going to pull any punches here, if you smoke , your a @!#$ idiot. Theres absolutely no benefit. Its horrible for your health and it costs you money, you get nothing else from it. That whole bit how it calms your nerves is so pathetic. Nicotine actually speeds up your heart so I fail to see how thats supposed to calm you? If your life is so horrible that you have to breathe poison to make yourself feel better do everyone a favor and just end it. Don't run up the cost of healthcare for the rest of us because of your stupidity, just die

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Rodimus Prime wrote:tobacco should be outlawed, im tired of stinking ugly @!#$s coming into the store where i work, i honestly feel like throwing up on them because they smell like @!#$
Yes, what a great and free nation this will be, when everything that someone finds offensive, doesn't like, or anything that ever harms anyone ever - is outlawed.
Nothing will remain legal.
I agree smoker's are @!#$ stupid - but tobacco shouldn't be outlawed. I'm totally against all this nanny-state BS. This is one of my biggest fallouts with the left(where you see most but not all this @!#$ originate from). The government has an obligation to protect you from external harm(crime, terrorism, etc), but it has no duty nor business in protecting you from yourself.
If you don't have liberty over yourself, you have no liberty at all. If you take nothing else away from this rant, take that much with you.
But yeah I agree that smoker's need to pay their own health care costs - that is the ONLY reason I support additional tax on cigarettes. I don't support the idea of raising taxes to discourage smoking. The whole concept is a easy way to make something pseudo-illegal (except for the wealthy) without going to the trouble to actually outlaw it.
One thing though, people need to get out of their heads is the idea that they are "saving lives" by making this or that illegal. You aren't saving anything - the certainty of death is 100% and you can't save anyone. What you are doing though, is trampling on people's freedom to choose. A choice is only a choice if you can choose - for better or for worse it does not matter. All these nanny laws that get passed, more every year, and what you really accomplish is making life worse for everyone while they are still alive. You can't do that, you must do this, etc.
Drug laws, seat belt laws, etc - I wear my seat belt because its the smart thing to do, @!#$ the IL law requiring it. If I wanted to take additional risk to myself, that should be my choice. I have never heard of anyone dying because SOMEONE ELSE wasn't wearing their seat belt. With that condition gone, there is no reason to have such a law. Instead here in IL, they "get tough" on people not wearing them - "zero tolerance" they call it. But its oppressive nanny state BS and really only helps to give average people oppressive fines(I'd call it extra taxes) in the name of protecting them. They even have random "safety checkpoints" where they pull over EVERYONE(obviously ignoring reasonable suspicion requirements of the 4th amendment) and then check if everything is in order.
Do you have your walking papers COMRADE? I think the title of this thread is appropriate here.
Or lets take IL's now nationally infamous Governor on one the first things that clued me in as to why I should hate him. Early in his first term, the IL legislature passes a bi-partisan bill to raise the speed limit on the interstate(we are a major crossroads for the trucking industry and obviously this would be beneficial in many ways). So naturally he vetoes it - quoting some statistic about how for every 10 MPH increase, the deadly force of an impact increases 4X... That much is true but so what? Preventing something highly beneficial because it would cause what - maybe 15 extra deaths per year(out of millions that is nothing)? Its the interstate, you don't see a lot of head on collisions. Other things do occur, but those are the breaks. The benefits outweigh the estimated costs easily. And furthermore I despise that kinda thinking behind his decision anyways. Besides, if people want to travel 65 still in a 75, they still can choose to do so if they are so worried about that extra 10 MPH.
/rant - for now.
My point is - if you get to outlaw everything you don't like, and the next guy gets to outlaw everything he doesn't like(which likely include the things YOU like), then we'll all be safer, healthier, and completely miserable. Think about that.
Your comparing apples and oranges, speed limits do not have anywhere near the impact on our health care situation that smoking does. When your doing something that begins to cripple the nation there comes a point where freedom doesnt justify stupidity. Our health care costs are completely out of control and while smokers arent the primary cause they are a good amount of the reason. When people start to die because they can't afford to go to the doctor, because some other group of morons choose to "freely" ruin his/her health I see a problem. Freedom is only such that it does not infringe on the rights of others.
Raising a speed limit actually has positive effects, less traffic, therefore less wasted gas, and it saves people time. Smoking has zero benefits.

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Don't forget how malpractice insurance is out the ass. Oh why because something happened or a person didn't take care of themselves and sue the doctor. OBGYNs insurance is ridiculous they are getting out because people sue over their kids all the time.
The proper way of using the word seen. It is not I seen it that would be I saw it. He has seen the car is the right way to use the word. English class is Cool. By the way thats my sig
Thank the lawyers for a sue happy society and the even worse spineless judges that let it go on. Just for proposing a stupid law suit you should do a few days in the slammer and pay all court costs for wasting everyone's time.
As far as immigration, Bush is the one that wanted to let them work here and not kick them out
I'm all for building a 100 foot cement wall with manned snipers across the entire border, if you want to come here do it legally. Also none of this tax free @!#$, you want to be here pay up like everyone else.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:33 PM

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
All this harping on smoking. Rodimus...aren't you overweight?
eating or not exercizing, whichever you do too much of or too little of, is your choice. shut up about smoking. i don't like looking at fat people.
unless you're santa claus.
then it's ok.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:All this harping on smoking. Rodimus...aren't you overweight?
eating or not exercizing, whichever you do too much of or too little of, is your choice. shut up about smoking. i don't like looking at fat people.
exactly! you weild a double-edged sword when you tell other people they shouldnt do something.
i dont smoke, but i sure as hell support anyone that wants to. its completely their choice if they want to poison their body--no one else's. the government should never have a say on how you live your life or what you put into your body.