Does anyone have the name of Raven's shop, and a phone number that I can reach him at? Emailing is taking to long and I would like to get a subfram purchased to do the 3800 s/c swap.
Raven = James, and the shop is Brad's = DoubleZ. I believe it's in Nova Scotia.
Nope... I had both their emails at one point, but weren't on their computers often enough to get me what I needed in time
I wish I was more like them, actually... I spend way too much time on here instead of working on my car
Haha I might have to agree with you on that. I found emails. But it takes them foreverr to respond. I noticed you are in the process of the swap.. possibly you could help me with what im supposed to be doing for the subframe?
I'll do my best to help
There's a good thread going on right now... I have to get some pics up tho.
Good how to! Pictures would be a world a difference in the subframe issue to me. Im also concerned about axels. Is it possible to use the 4T65-E that is already on the gtp?
Double "Z" Automotive
963 Prospect Road
Goodwood N.S.
B3T 1P4
Phone# 876-0769
Fax# 876-0374
John Lenko wrote:Raven = James, and the shop is Brad's = DoubleZ. I believe it's in Nova Scotia.
Thanks John.

And actually I just opened my own company with Brad's help under the name of Raven Autosports. You can reach me at either my email address ( and yes I do check it everyday now or you can call me at (902) 850-3330, shop is open from 8am to 6pm Atlantic time but I'm usally here till midnight most nights.

Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore
Raven Autosports
55 McQuade Lake Cres,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
(902) 850-3330