Ok guys see if anyone has answer on this, i have an 01 2.2ltr cavailer, will not start, cranks, and have searched to see if i could find a post on this, i notice yesterday if i put a little gas down the throttle body, she'll start right up and run until of course the gas is gone, so i have a fuel pump i'm putting in tomorrow, does that sounds like the fuel pump is bad? i can hear it come on when the key is turned on to the start position. also where do u hook up a fuel pressure gauge to to see if you have pressure? And, no, i have not changed the filter since i bought the car, will have a new one it tomorrow.
ok i am havein the same problem, no its not the pumpif it turnes on. take off the lineconected to the gas tank and caheck it when the key is turned to the on posision. it should pulse 1 or 2 times if it does pump is good. i found that thier is no power to the injecters so check that also and if i figure something out all let ya know.
yeah that's what i'm thinking the fuel pump or something related though if you can hear it prime it probably wouldn't be the pump though you can try that and see if you get any results if not try the filter.
there is a valve on the inlet of the fuel rail, to check fuel pressure, i believe it is a few inches back from the rail itself, hope that helps
you can only go as fast as the slowest person in front of you.
I too would suspect the injectors - but changing the filter won't hurt anything for sure. You could check for fuel flow at that time - just have a container handy to catch the fuel, and have someone turn the key on when the filter is removed. If the fuel flows when the pump runs, then you know where to start looking...
Only ONCE have I seen a pump fail that "sounded" like it was working. Fortunately it failed right in the driveway. Something must have broken inside the pump itself, because the motor would run, but didn't move any fuel whatsoever. Very uncommon though...
Good luck!
well, guys turned out to be both actually, filter was plugged which in turn took out the fuel pump, put filter in first and had no change, so change the pump yesterday and she fired right up. thxs for the help