Hey guys,
Anyone know where the clutch bleed valve is located? I know I have a leak at (probably) the slave, but I can't really do much about it right now. I just need to get the car moving. I put some fluid in, and I can get into gear, but shifting is very, very hard.
I just want to bleed the clutch fluid system to get it moving for another few days.
Any pictures? I can't seem to find anything on this.
not sure on our cars where it is i havent tried to find it, however i have been working on a chevy s10 the last couple of days replacing the clutch and the bleeder sticks out of the bellhousing right above where the hydraulic line goes in. Both GM vehicles mabye they are in the general same place?
If the throw-out bearing is part of the hydraulic slave cylinder assembly, then you should have a bleeder sticking out of the transmission bell housing near where the hydraulic feed line enters the bell housing. I know that is where it is on the Getrag and the Isusu transmissions used with the LD9. I can't see GM changing it for the trans used on the Ecotec. If it is your slave cylinder leaking though, I wouldn't try it. Mine blew out on me in my 99 while my wife was driving it. I had another one later that day and somehow replaced it in only a couple hours without completely removing the transmission. It was a tough weasel, but I got it. However, the old one exploded instantaneously and got fluid all over the clutch and pressure plate. You don't want to have to change out those if you don't have to, they can get expensive.
Some people have brain storms, others light drizzles. And then there are those that have droughts.
about 3-4 inches to the left of the battery, just look and you will see it where the clutch line(probably not the right term) plugs into the transmission