Alright guys i got a alternator going out lol which is like the third one cuz the original from the black car when bad, the one i got with the extra motor i put in the black car went out now the original of the silver car is starting to going bad hmm i think i have bad luck with those things or something lol.
Well my question is Ive heard of the rebuild kits for these things but i have searched and searched and have not found a single one for this car so i ask would anyone know where i could get one or if anyone has one i can buy off one of ya?
Maybe you should look into why you keep blowing alternators instead of where to get new ones, im still on my first one, car is from 1995
they are used and this is the first to go in the silver car so its the original idk why or nor do i care why i went thru 2 of them in the black car because it is wreaked soo its out of the question..
also i asked about rebuild kits sooo how about we keep to that
Well used alternators would most likely be why they keep going out... that part aside, I've only seen rebuild kits for alternators on much older vehicles. Honestly, if you don't have the money (or don't want to spend it) for a rebuilt alternator (which should be around $70), you might want to google shops in your area that rebuild alternators. Although they may end up being more expensive than what a rebuilt one from Advance or Auto Zone would cost.
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