they said there gonna replace that fitting....can anyone shed some light and help me out a lil??
250 bucks? id just rip the A/C out
for 200 i'll rip mine out and give it to you. ive had my car since sept 01 and i think i used the ac maybe MAYBE a tops of 5 times
mines already ripped out can have mine
They will probably just replace the o-ring in there. God I love a/c systems.
How much did they charge you for just the refill? Shoud be no more than $15. an 0z.
With 1.xx oz in the system.
My Car
so for 250, they are going to just change a fitting and recharge?
what would you want for the pump matt? i thought the same thing but so far this summer is kicking my a$$
96 cavi'/WI j's
the pump is which part...? the cylinder thing that connecs to the firewall? i dunno make an offer
The pump? the compressor.
The cylinder thing near the firewall is the accumulator.
My Car
yeap lol....compressor...theres a word i recognize lol... make an offer for it..
they arent cheap and mines brand new..a new one was put in 3 months ago and i ripped it out last week
its 290 from gm parts direct so id let it go for 100 plus shipping
how hazardous is it if you get it on your hands???
cuz yea, i didn't think i can replace it, but if its sooo easy, then i guess i could do it??
If you release the pressure onto your hands it will freeze them.
But if the system is already discharged carfully undo the fitting. freon still might be in the system.
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