newb question, are the ur or rsm crank pulleys any "better" besides being lookin for a lightweight alternator pulley, but i dont really want an under drive...does anyone know where i can fine one...what about the ebay knock offs?
4-2-1 pacesetter header..full 2.5 pacesetter piping..bomz cai..genkei short shifter..vibrant front and rear strut bars..aem tru power alt pulley..neon glow strobes..xenon ultra 7" flipout..Lanzar 15" sub..legacy 2000watt mono..
contact MD-ld9 for stock size alt pulley and crank.
i have the UR crank and there is charging problems at idle, but since you have a manual you might not have that problem since you idle higher
well, ive used a stock 2.3 HO crank pulley, an ebay underdrive, RSM underdrive and an RSM stock sized. they all worked just fine. although i did have charging issues on my fully loaded automatic car with the underdrive's, my no-optioned 5spd car was just fine with an underdrive crank pulley plus i even had a small stereo in it, no problems.
also, i wasn't aware ebay had alt. pulley knock off's.... the only stock sized alt. pulleys i know of are mike's (md ld9) and rsm's.
yeah that was my typo error, i meant crank pulley in the description...what i meant to say was that i have the aem tru power alt pulley, and seeing that the only power options i have is power door locks (besides my stereo system), i shouldn't have a problem
4-2-1 pacesetter header..full 2.5 pacesetter piping..bomz cai..genkei short shifter..vibrant front and rear strut bars..aem tru power alt pulley..neon glow strobes..xenon ultra 7" flipout..Lanzar 15" sub..legacy 2000watt mono..